Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

After that, I ran right out of there. I didn't want to look back at his face. I just couldn't look into his eyes because I knew that I wouldn't have been able to run away. He seemed so crushed.

When I was about a block away, I slowed down to a walk. This gave me a chance to contemplate what had just occured. I know it seems like I'm the one to blame, like this is all my fault because I just didn't say yes. I keep telling myself that I did the right thing by running away, but I regret it more and more with every step I take.

I was just scared. Some people don't understand what I am scared of. I'm scared of losing everyone that I care about, being hated, and worst of all, being left alone. I mean, you can't blame me for being scared, right?

I just couldn't stop thinking about what was running through Liam's mind. Was he really that crushed? Did he hate me again? I also wonder about how he felt. Was he angry or just hurt? Was he crying? I know I was.

When I got back to my house, I got a call from Alexis.

"Sophia! Are you okay?", she asked as soon as I answered the phone.

"I guess you heard about what happened?"

"Are you kidding me? I was there!"

"You were? What happened after I left?"

"Well, Liam just stood there for a minute staring at the door that you walked out of. It was like he was just waiting for you to come back. When he realized that you weren't, he walked right up to a locker and punched it!"

"He punched a locker?", I asked shocked.

"Yeah, he turned around and realized that everyone was watching. Everyone was so unsure of what he would do next. He finally just said, "You heard her. There's nothing left to see." And with that, he stormed right out of there in the opposite direction.

"Oh my... Wow. I just can't even believe that he did that. He doesn't seem like the old Liam anymore. In a way, I guess I just kind of want the old Liam back."

"Well, he's not here anymore."

"Thanks. That makes me feel so much better", I responded sarcastically.

"Hey, you're the one that rejected him. It was your choice to push him away, so don't expect anyone to feel sorry for you."

"You just don't understand."

"You're right. I don't understand. I dont understand how you could walk away from someone who obviously would do anything for you."

I fell silent. She was right. I was an idiot.

"Sophie? Are you still there? Look I'm sorry, I just--"

"No, it's okay. You're right, and I really needed that. I'll talk to you later. Bye Alexis."

With that, I hung up the telephone and placed it back in the holster. I stared at it for a moment before picking it back up again and punching in Liam's number.

I heard a someone on the other end say "hello".

Immediately, I became aware of what I was doing, and hung up the phone. I placed it back in the holster again, but this time I just ran up to my bedroom.

I can't believe that I ran away from him again. Why did I keep running away? I had to stop being afraid.

The next day, I tried to walk into school without drawing any attention. I kept my head down, and avoided making eye contact. Somehow, it felt like everyone was staring at me. It was only the second day back, and I was already wishing for the year to end.

Mia came up to my locker as I was grabbing my books. "I haven't seen you in awhile", she greeted me with a smile on her face. "How's it going?"

She didn't know what had happened yesterday, so I had to fill her in.

"You still haven't gone out with him yet?", she asked.

I shook my head as I grabbed my books and began to walk down the hallway. Mia walked with me down the hall as we continued our discussion. The hallway felt even more crowded than usual as we plowed through. Mia looked over her shoulder and came to sudden halt obviously entranced by something,

I didn't even have a chance to ask her "what" before I heard the all-too-familiar tune of one of my favorite songs. At first, I thought that I was just hearing things or maybe it was all a dream, but I turned around to face Liam, still sporting his new look, as he played the guitar. He stood there with a smirk on his face as he continued to strum the melody of the song.

Again, every pair of eyes were fixated on us. I glanced at the door contemplating whether or not to make another run for it. I guess Mia had noticed because she ran to block the door. I glanced at the end of the hall to see if I could run that way, but Alexis was guarding that exit as well. There was no where left to run.

Liam stepped closer to me as he began to softly sing the opening lyrics,

"I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing

Just prayin' to a God that I don't believe in"

"Liam..", I tried to protest. I didn't want him to cause another scene, but he still continued to sing.

"Cause I got time while she got freedom

Cause when a heart breaks, no, it don't break even"

It seemed like he wasn't just singing. He was trying to tell me something through the lyrics. He stared at his fingers as they glided along the strings. I couldn't believe that after how many times I had turned him away, he was still here, fighting for me.

"Her best days will be some of my worst

She finally met a man that's gonna put her first

While I'm wide awake she's no trouble sleeping"

He looked back up at me as he sang the next line, and it seemed to be very meaningful to him.

"Cause when a heart breaks no it don't break even... even... no"

After that line he paused for a moment. He was studying my facial reaction, as if he was trying to see if I understood what he was saying. I gave him a smile as I nodded my head, telling him that I understood. He smiled back as he then immediately jumped into the chorus with a strong sense of power in his voice as he belted out the words.

"What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you?

And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're okay?"

Now I knew that I didn't have to worry about the heartache because being without him was the biggest heartache of all. That's what he was trying to tell me.

"I'm falling to pieces, yeah,

I'm falling to pieces"

His singing faded out, and he gave his guitar one last strum before removing the strap from his shoulder. I had no idea how to respond, as he continued to stare at me. I blushed a crimson red as I felt everyone's eyes burning a whole through my skin. So much for trying to avoid attention today. The entire hallway was silent, but thankfully, it quickly began to erupt with clapping and applauding.

This time, Liam began to blush as he realized what he had just done. This all felt too surreal, like it was a scene in a film or something.

He took a step closer to me as he said, "Sophia, I've been wanting to go out with you since the moment I first laid my eyes on you. I promise that I would never leave you alone. Why won't you go out with me?"

I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle. "I can't even count the number of times that I have rejected you, yet you're still here."

A look of despair shadowed his face, and I could tell by the way he furrowed his eyebrows and pursed his lips. "Twenty-two..", he quietly murmured.

"What?", I asked.

"Twenty-two. That's how many times you have rejected me", he explained.

The fact that I had actually rejected him twenty-two times made a sense of guilt fill my conscious. Had I really denied him that many times? I also couldn't believe the fact that he had been counting, which broke my heart even more.

"Soph... will you please go out with me?", he asked desperately. His eyes were earnest and hopeful, the kind that you just couldn't say no to. But... I don't know... I still wasn't sure.

I was about to reply, but I was cut off by the headmaster, Mr. Evans, suddenly barging in. "What is going on down here?", he demanded. The crowd quickly began to disperse as Mr. Evans narrowed his focus on Liam, who remained frozen in his place. "Come with me, Mr. Payne", he ordered. "Somehow, I always find you in the middle of every commotion."

Liam looked at me one last time before reluctantly following Mr. Evans to his office.

"Wait!", I shouted before they left the hallway.

Mr. Evans slowly turned around as he stared at me. "And what do you have to say Sophia?", he asked coldly.

"Yes..", I told him looking right at him.

"Excuse me?", he asked confused.

"I'm saying yes", I answered as I turned towards Liam. A giganitc smile spread across his face as he realized what I meant. He ran right past Mr. Evans and right towards me as he threw his arms around me. He picked me up and practically spinned me around.

"Mr. Payne!", Mr. Evans shouted.

Liam's face suddenly grew worried, so he gave me a quick peck on the cheek as he ran back down the hallway with Mr. Evans.

Suddenly, a new sensation filled my head that caused me to smile. I just couldn't stop smiling. What was this? Was I just happy? Or was it love? That's when I realized what it was.

I was in love with Liam.


Thanks for reading!


I know that I mentioned something about this a long time ago, but is it weird that the main girl's name is different than what it is in real life? I know her name is Emily because I read it in "Dare to Dream", but it felt weird calling her that. So, I don't know... I just sort of put my own twist on it.

Ok so the new question is: I always thought that if I was a broadcaster and I had to do an editorial, I would call it "Isabella's Insider." What would you call yours?

I think this is the longest chapter I have posted.

Please vote and comment on what you felt/thought about the chapter!

Also, could you guys please spread my story to all of your friends, instagram accounts, people that can read, etc.?

As Jerry Springer says, "Til' next time. Take care of yourself and each other."

~ Isabella

PS- There is a trailer on the side! Enjoy!

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