Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I walked through the congested hallways at the end of the day trying to avoid bumping into someone.

"Watch it!", an older kid shouted as he hit my shoulder.

I shook it off and continued walking, but I heard someone say behind me, "Hey!" I turned to see Liam who was looking at the older kid with a sense of anger in his eyes. The kid glared at him but Liam stood his ground. Liam was pretty tall, but the kid was taller. Still, Liam didn't move. "You bumped into her. You should apologize", Liam lectured him.

"Get out of my way", the kid demanded as he shoved Liam, causing him to stumble backwards.

"Apologize!", Liam shouted inching closer to him.

"Fine, sorry!", the kid yelled at me. I just realized that I had been quietly observing this spectacle. "Freak..", the kid murmured at Liam as he walked away.

Liam turned to me after the kid had walked away. "You didn't have to do that", I told him.

"You didn't deserve that. I just wanted to help", he said.

"I don't need someone forcing apologies out of people that bump into me." He lowered his head to face the ground like he did when he was embarrassed. "I appreciate that you care enough to do that though." He lifted his head up, so he could meet his eyes with mine. I could see the fading bruise above his eye and the scar that was forming. "So... what did you want to say to me in math?", I asked.

"Oh.. it's not important", he claimed, but his quick response aroused my suspicions.

"Are you sure?", I asked placing my hand on his shoulder. He seemed to tense up.

"Yah.. So, are we still on for Saturday?", he asked. I nodded and answered "yah". "Now come on.. Let's get out of here", he urged putting his arm around me and quickly escorting me down the hallway.

I went along with his playfulness until I saw my friend, Alexis. I stopped to say "hi" as Liam put his arm down. "Hey, what's up?", I asked.

"I was just about to head to the library to work on my history project", she responded.

"I'll be right back", Liam told me as he walked off somewhere.

Alexis pulled me to the side, even though no one was around. "So how long have you been dating Liam?", she asked.

I immediately froze and my cheeks began to become a few shades darker. "What? I'm not dating Liam", I replied.

"Oh.. really?"

"Yah, we're not dating."

"Oh, it's just you guys are always around each other, and then I just saw him with his arm around you.. I thought.."

"I guess I understand why you would think that. I didn't realize that I was around him that much."

"Well, it's obvious he likes you. I'm just surprised that he hasn't asked you out already."

"Well... he already did... a few times..."

"So you are dating then?"





"No, no."

"So he didn't ask you out?"

"No, he did."

"Okay, I'm confused."

"He asked me out, but I said no."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know.. I just don't want a boyfriend right now I guess."

"I think you and Liam would make a cute couple."

"You really think so?", I asked.

"And that is why you should never do drugs", she said confusing me by how she completely changed the subject.

I then noticed that Liam had come back, and I suddenly understood what she was doing.

"I don't think I want to know what you two were talking about", Liam declared.

"No, you don't...", I agreed.

"So, I was thinking about going to the cinema on Saturday with Zach", Alexis announced. "Did you want to come?"

"That sounds like fun", I responded, but then I immediately thought of Liam. I glanced at him before turning back to face Alexis. "But I already have plans with Liam."

"No, that's okay. You should go", Liam insisted.

"Why don't you come too?", Alexis asked him.

"Um.. are you sure? I don't want to intrude."

"Don't worry. It's just the cinema."

"Okay, well then we'll see you Saturday", I stated as I walked away and motioned for Liam to follow.

"So who is Zach?", Liam asked as soon as we left.

"He's Alexis' boyfriend", I answered.

"So... this sorta seems like a double date..."

"No, it's just.. friends hanging out.."

"Oh, ok."

Liam didn't say anything else, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized he was right.

Alexis set us up!


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