Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Summer went by slowly. I had nothing to do but relax, which actually wasn't so bad. The days drifted by, and I longed to be able to talk to Liam. At first, I felt tortured knowing that he liked me and I couldn't do anything about it, but that feeling slowly began to fade. I grew tired of waiting for him, and eventually, I grew tired of him.

When the first day of school rolled around, I had this strange excitement about going back. I also had this compulsion to want to dress up, so I did.

When I stepped through the front entrance of my school, I felt empowered. I felt like people weren't looking at me the same way. Maybe it was the blue dress, the make-up, or maybe even the curled hair, but I felt confident. I didn't usually dress like this, but I wanted to change it up a bit.

As I approached my locker, Alexis was waiting for me. "How was your summer? What did you do? You look so different! I haven't seen you in such a long time!", she rambled pulling me into a hug. It was nice having someone ask about your summer and actually care. I was about to respond when I heard a large group of girls gushing about some guy. It couldn't have been Ethan because he graduated. It wasn't very suprising to hear all of the girls whispering about somebody because they would all freak out when Ethan changed his hair.

"Do you know what's going on?", I asked Alexis.

"I'm not sure but--", she tried to answer but was cut off by the sound of a bunch of girls gasping. Suddenly, the hallway was split down the middle like the Red Sea as everyone backed up against the lockers.

I couldn't see well from where I was, but apparently someone was entering through the doors. In walked a guy who appeared to be pretty tall. He had on dark blue skinny jeans, a white, v-neck t-shirt, and a black, leather jacket. Also, he sported a pair of black Ray Bans and a pair of black converse. He had a sort-of edgy look to him. He had straight, light-brown hair, but I couldn't tell what color his eyes were because they were concealed by his sunglasses. But the most noticeable feature was that he was muscular, and I mean he was VERY muscular. He must have been new because I had no idea who he was.

All of the girls were turned towards him and were watching him as he walked down the hall. Actually, it was more like gliding down the hall. Occasionally, he would turn to a group of girls and flash them a smile that would cause them all to squeal and giggle. He seemed to be enjoying the attention he was receiving, and that was just arrogant.

I turned toward Alexis who was staring just like every other girl. "Alexis", I whispered as I nudged her. She remained in her trance, so I nudged her again. "You have a boyfriend."

"No... not anymore. We broke up."

"What? Why?", I asked obviously showing my concern.

"I don't know. Something about me being too loud, too talkative, and too annoying."

"Oh, I'm sorry", I said giving her hug.

"I really don't care. He was too boring." I laughed at how calm she was, and she really did seem fine.

"How about we go to the mall after school?", I asked.

"Sure", she answered still in a daze.

I rolled my eyes as I turned around to close my locker. When I turned back around, I was shocked to see the mysterious man right in front of my locker. He leaned his arm against the lockers as he leaned closer to me. I stumbled backwards against the lockers causing him to let out a soft chuckle. He put his other hand in his pocket and just stood there staring at me.

He was looking straight into my eyes as he towered over me. I couldn't look at his eyes because they were still covered with his Ray Bans, so I awkwardly just looked down.

"That's a lovely dress", he spoke in a deep, husky voice. I looked up at him and tried to see past his glasses. "You've changed over the summer", he stated.

"Who are you?", I barely whispered.

Still remaining in his stance, but removing his glasses, he asked, "What? You don't recognize me Soph?"

I gasped as my eyes widened. "Liam..?", I asked.

He leaned in real close, and I could feel his breath on my face. He whispered in my ear, "You're not the only one who's changed."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I tried my best to explain what I was invisioninng in my head, and i hope that it was good! Please leave all of your wonderful comments and please vote! Thank you!

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