Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Even though Liam was leaving in a week, it didn't mean that we couldn't spend time with each other. Right? It's not like we were dating still; we were just friends. Mates. Buddies. That's it.

Sure the feelings were still there, which made it really awkward, but they just had to be pushed aside. They just sunk to the bottom of this flood of a relationship, never to resurface.

Life will go on. I am being way too dramatic about this entire situation. Right now, it may seem like my world is crumbling down around me, but later on in life, Liam will just be that lad I dated for a day. There is life after love. I believe in life after love.

I think.

Although I was starting to grasp the thought of being without Liam, it still unnerved me to see Millie with him. Her with her bright orange hair and skin as pale as a ghost; basically, just the sight of her alone bothered me. She had this aura that she carried with her; I can't quite explain it. She just seemed like she knew what she wanted, and it wasn't a problem for her to get it. But the most annoying factor about Millie was that she was a complete and total hypocrite. When Liam still had his shaggy hair and plaid shirts, she didn't even give him the time of day; now, she is all over him because he changed. Her faithful, yet not-so-smart, side-kick, Brooke, just adds to the whole cliché "Popular Girl" package, but I'll take the ditzy Brooke over Millie any day.

Usually, literature was an enjoyable subject for me, but right now it was unbearable. The first class of the day, I was stuck in a room with Liam and Millie. What a way to start the day.

Much to my anticipated fears, Millie brought up the dance next Friday towards the end of class. This time, Mrs. Robertson did not interrupt them with her lesson because she had already given it, so Liam was left to answer her question.

"Who am I going with?", he repeated as if he hadn't heard her correctly the first time.

"Yeah, I mean, you're not still going out with that Sophia girl anymore, right?", she questioned as if I wasn't within earshot.

It took every single bit of my willpower not to turn around. "No, I'm not", I heard Liam reply quietly yet audibly.

"So it's over then?", she continued to question.

Liam paused before answering, as if he was waiting for me to turn around and contradict him. When he realized that I was going to say anything, he replied, "Yeah. It's over."

Hearing him say it out loud pained me, yet I still continued to stare down at the piece of paper in front of me.

"So, then, maybe you could go to the dance with me?", she asked him nonchalantly. There it is. The question she has been dying to ask and finally made her way around to it. With all my might, I tried to block out their conversation; I didn't want to know his answer.

Who am I kidding? Of course I wanted to know his answer; I just didn't want the answer to be 'yes'. Liam needed to move on from me, but I just didn't want him to move onto Millie. Anyone but her. Please. He needs someone that deserves him, and Millie doesn't even deserve the gum that was stuck to the bottom of the desks.

The few seconds that Liam spent hesitating worried me. Was he trying to figure out a way to let her down easy, or was he trying to figure out how to say 'yes' without hurting my feelings? To my surprise he told her, "I don't think I can."

My eyes immediately widened as a smirk spread across my lips. If only I could see Millie's face right now; she wasn't used to being told 'no'. "Why not?", she squeaked in irritation.

I tried to remain still, but my instincts got the better of me, and I turned around in my seat to glance at Liam. Of course Liam caught my eye, but this time, so did Millie. Her eyes narrowed in on mine, and I swiftly turned back around.

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