Chapter 12

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I am going to make another fanfic, and I really want to make a trailer and a cover for it, but I'm not the best at that. I'm still not sure of a title yet, but when I figure it out, if anyone wants to help with the video or cover, please message me.

And please comment and vote! I love to hear your comments and if you have any ideas or anything you can comment those too! You can say what you want to happen in the next chapter.


Chapter 12

(Liam POV)

So this is what life was going to be like. Laying in bed all day, staring at the ceiling, and wishing that I had never talked to Sophia. I had all this anger built up inside of me, but I wasn't sure who I was really mad at. I was upset with Sophia for what she did to me, but I was mostly upset with myself for how much time I wasted on her.

What if I had never met her? What if I had never bumped into her in that hallway? I thought back to that day and how coldly she treated me. I should have realized it right then and there that she wasn't worth it, but no. I had to be persistent.

I remember that I was about to give up, but she started to be nice after the whole thing with Ethan. Maybe she just felt sorry for me.

I suddenly felt a pang of embarrasment, as I rolled onto my stomach and buried my face into my pillow. Have you ever felt so embarrassed for someone in a film that you can't even watch it? Well, I feel like that person... but in real-life.

Why did I try so hard? Why did I want her so bad? The worst part of it all was how many times I asked her out. I must have asked her like twelve times, but why did I do that?

I ignored the knocks on the door and tried to hide from any form of civilization. I remained cocooned in my bed, and watched film after film. The wet weather mirrored how I felt, and I grew even more depressed as the raindrops continued to flood the ground. I eventually realized how pathetic I must seem right now, but I didn't care.

She never called me, not even once. Why wouldn't she try to talk to me? Was she sick of me? Was she glad to get rid of me? Part of me wished that I had never met Sophia, yet in a way, I'm glad I did. Besides the fact that she was unable to open up, commit, or be herself, there was still something about her that intrigued me, something that made me want to stop at nothing to go out with her.

By the time Monday morning rolled around, I still didn't feel like getting out of bed. I told my parents that I was sick, and I decided that I wasn't going to class.

I started to think about how I had transfered schools because of all the people that bullied me. It felt like practically the whole school was against me. That made me realize that right now, I was avoiding going to school because of one person. She wasn't even a bully. So what was my problem?

Even though she broke my heart, she was the closest thing I had to a friend. Did I really want to lose her as a friend? No, but I didn't want to be just friends. I wanted more.

My mum came into my room, and asked if I still wanted to go to class. I glanced at the clock in my room, and decided that I could still make it to Chemistry if I leave now. I nodded and told her I would get dressed.

Once she left, I rummaged through my drawers and put on one of the countless plaid shirts that I had and just an ordinary pair of bluejeans.

When I got to school, I slowly gathered my books together at my locker. I didn't want to walk right into the classroom knowing everyone would stare at me as I walked in. And she would be there. She would stare at me as I took my seat.

I couldn't be afraid of one person. I closed my locker shut, and stood there, mentally preparing myself to walk into the classroom.

I can't do this. I slammed my head against the locker. Why was I so afraid to see her?

And that's when I realized why: I still liked her.

I mustered up all of my courage and walked into the classroom. I quickly handed the teacher my tardy pass, and tried to take my seat before anyone noticed me. The class was silent as they did bookwork, and I tried my best not to look at her.

Sitting there with my back turned towards her was pure agony. I could feel her eyes stinging on my back as I continued to disregard her presence. I desperately wanted to turn around, so I pretended to look at the clock at the back of the room.

As I turned around, I accidentally made eye contact with her. I quickly rotated in my seat, and I didn't turn around for the rest of the class.

The class seemed to go by as slowly as possible. I needed to talk to Sophia, and I knew what I had to say to her. I just needed a chance to talk to her.

When the bell finally rang, she darted out of the classroom, but I managed to stop her.

"Hey, Soph", I said.

She turned around slowly as I tried to read her expression. She seemed tense. It was like she felt nervous to talk to me.

"We need to talk", I blurted out.

"Ok, let's talk", she answered abruptly.

I had to organize my thoughts, and I suddenly became tongue-tied. "I think--", I began to talk.

"That we should just be mates ?", she replied, cutting me off. "Yah, me too."

"Wait, no---", I tried to explain. That was not what I going to say.

"Look. I'm sorry... about everything", she apologized before disappearing out of the classroom.

What? Why? How? I was so confused. This conversation did not go as expected. What do I do now?

Somehow Sophia twisted my words, and now I probably will never have a chance with her. Why does she do this to me? Why do I feel like this? But, I knew why. It was the reason that I wanted to talk to her. It was what I really wanted to tell to her.

That I think I was falling in love with her.

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