Chapter 5

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***Sorry this is WAY overdue***

Chapter 5

My first instinct was to run outside and rescue Liam, but I coudn't do that. He was surrounded by Ethan and his many friends. I wouldn't be able to help him. Instead, I ran to the main office.

"There's a huge fight outside!", I shouted as the school secretary glanced up from her computer. She stared at me for a moment to see if I was joking.

"Where?", she asked with no expression on her face.

"Outside the main doors. Please hurry!" The concern in my voice must have convinced her because she went to go alert the headmaster, Mr. Evans.

I ran out of the office and out through the main doors. I approached the group of boys surrounding Liam and the few spectators just standing idly by. I then saw Liam sitting on the ground with Ethan hovering over him. Liam had a bloody nose, and he was holding his head in agony.

"Please. Hit me in the stomach. It hurts less", Liam cried in pain.

"Why should I go easy on you? What have you done to deserve that?", Ethan asked angrily as he clenched his teeth.

"What did I do to deserve any of this?", Liam asked but his response was a kick in the stomach.

"Why do you deserve to be here? You're a worthess little piece of---"

Mr. Evans interrupted him, "What is going on here?"

Ethan looked up from Liam, afraid to turn around. He unclenched his jaw as he slowly loosened his fists and turned to face the headmaster.

"Liam and I just had a small disagreement", Ethan responded.

Mr. Evans glanced between Ethan and Liam. Meanwhile, Liam still remained on the ground with his head down.

"This doesn't look like a small disagreement. What's your name, son?", he asked referring to Liam.

"Liam Payne", Liam answered in a whisper.

"How old are you?"


"Are you new here?"

Liam nodded.

"What happened?", Mr. Evans continued to question him. Liam quickly glanced back and forth between the headmaster and Ethan.

Ethan stepped in. "He doesn't understand the seniority rule."

"I didn't do anything to you!", Liam shouted as his courage built up. He painfully stood up, and no one dared to help him. I shrunk back to make sure no one noticed I was observing the altercation. He faced Ethan. "You bully me for no reason! You just need someone to pick on to boost your enormous ego! You don't even pick on someone your own size", Liam bravely stood up for himself.

"You better shut it Payne!", Ethan roared as he grabbed Liam by the neck and forced Liam to fall back down to the ground. Liam grimaced in pain as he laid broken on the ground.

"That's enough!", Mr. Evans screamed as he pulled Ethan off of Liam. "You're coming with me Ethan", he stated as he pointed towards the main doors. "Go wait in my office." Ethan trudged back towards the school. Mr. Evans glanced around at all the people watching him, awaiting his next move. "There's nothing left to see here. Go to class before you are all late."

The small crowd dispersed, and I tried to hurry back before Liam saw me.

"You. What's your name?", Mr. Evans asked me.

I hesitated to respond, but then Liam looked up at me. Seeing the pain and torture in his eyes was unbearable. I hated to see him like this. So weak. So miserable. So helpless. He probably hated that I had to see him in such a vulnerable state. I turned back to Mr. Evans. "Sophia", I mumbled.

"Do you think you could help me take Liam to the infirmary?"

I nodded as he directed me to hold one side of Liam while he held the other. I struggled to keep up my part. Liam's foot began to drag on the pavement, as I repositioned my grip to hold him higher up. "Sorry", I murmured. He gave me a weak smile. I held his arm tighter. He was heavier than he appeared to be, and his arm felt more muscular than it looked.

After we walked into the infirmary, a nurse helped to settle him in a bed.

"Thank you for helping. I think you should get to class. I'll write you a pass", Mr. Evans addressed me as I began to walk out of the room.

"No. Let her stay", Liam spoke up. I think we were both slightly shocked to hear Liam speak so abruptly.

Mr. Evans hesitated. He stepped closer to Liam as I heard him mumble something to him. I strained my ears to hear what they were saying as I awkwardly stood there. "Just a few minutes", Mr. Evans eventually told me. He then went to go discuss some matter with the nurse as I took a seat beside Liam.

"Thank you", Liam said.

"For what?", I asked.

"For staying here with me, for helping me walk, for getting Mr. Evans"

"How did you--"

"He told me."

"Oh, well I didn't know what to do."

"You did the right thing."

"I can't believe Ethan tried to hurt you again."

"Well, he's never going to again."

"I'm sure Mr. Evans will make sure he doesn't get the chance."

"No, I mean that I won't let him."

I gave him a quizzical look.

"I've been taking boxing lessons."

"What? Isn't that like really dangerous?"

"It's not that dangerous. I've been boxing for awhile now."

"I'll be back in a little bit", Mr. Evans announced suddenly.

I waited until he left the room and scooted my chair closer to the bed.

"So, what's your plan? Learn how to fight?", I asked.

"No, well, I just want to be able to defend myself. If Ethan or anyone else picks a fight with me, I don't want to end up in a hospital bed."

I remained silent as I visualized Liam boxing. I imagined him punching someone. I imagined someone punching him. I grimaced at the thought of it.

"That's not the only reason I box. It.. it feels good.. to box. It helps to relieve pressure, stress, and anger..."

"What's it like?"

"I would rather show you. You can watch me practice."

"I don't know..."

"Oh, come on. It's not like I'm asking you out."

I laughed.

"Well... we could make it a date."

I gave him a look.

"Fine. I guess asking a girl out to the gym was a bad idea anyway."

I stood up and gently placed my hand on his. "I don't think I want to watch you get hurt... not again."

He didn't respond. Instead, he gripped my hand tightly. My heart began to thump rapidly against my chest. "Maybe some other time", he mumbled.

His eyes began to close. I sweeped the locks of hair covering his forehead to the side and gently touched my lips to his forehead. "Maybe some other time", I repeated ever so softly.

I walked to the door and looked behind me to catch one last glimpse of his sweet yet broken face. In that moment, several thoughts raced through my mind. He looked so harmless. So vulnerable. How could such a sweet, nerdy boy fight in a boxing ring? How could I just stand idly by as he continued to do something dangerous. I was such a horrible person, but what I did next was even worse....

I walked away.

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