Chapter 37 (Final Chapter)

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I’m sure not everyone wants to read a long, sappy goodbye, so I’ll add it at the end. But before you read this, I would suggest reading Chapter 1 again just so you can see the difference from then and now: in my writing and even just the characters themselves. Also, sorry for the wait. I’ve changed the ending a few times.

Anyway, I guess this it.

Chapter 37


Sophia POV

I now realize how every choice we make in life impacts our future. What we wear, what we say, what we do. I now realize that it all influences some aspect of our life.

It’s too bad that I didn’t realize this sooner.

Out of all the people that have come and gone in my life, he has made the most significant impact. I don't remember too much about the past, but I remember him. Every detail, every moment. It's still there, hidden in my memory. I even remember the first time I asked him out.


My fist trembles violently as I bring it up to meet the wooden door. Somehow, I force myself to knock and for some reason, I begin to hold my breath.

I am not able to exhale until the door swings open and the man that I dreaded yet anticipated to see stands in front of me.

“Sophia?” is his first response. “What, um, uh. This is kind of a surprise.” Showing up unannounced was probably not the best plan. “What are you doing here?” His voice is much deeper now. His once long hair is now completely buzzed off. His muscles are more prominent. He looks like a new person. Who would have thought how much change three years would bring?

“I actually don’t know to be honest.” This was going great.

“How did you even know what hotel I was staying at?” His eyes seem guarded. I know that I’m probably the cause of his need to protect himself.

“You have a pretty large fan-base,” I laugh. He smiles gently, careful not to show too much emotion. Suddenly, a dark look cascades over his facial features.

“So… how are things for you?” Why is this so awkward? “How’s… um… Alfred?”

“Alfie?” Of course he had to mention him. I was really lonely and vulnerable for a while, and Alfie always seemed to be around. He was one of Chase’s best mates, so he felt a bit left out sometimes when Chase would ditch him to hang out with Mia. In a way, we both comforted each other. We went on a few dates, but it never really turned into anything serious. “I ended things with him a long time ago.” His expression remains the same. “I ended it with him because I finally realized that I couldn’t pretend he was somebody else.” My voice hitches. “I couldn’t pretend that I loved him while I was still in love with someone else.”

His eyes widen at my unexpected confession. “Look, Sophia. I am literally about to leave for Japan in a half hour. I can’t do this right now.” He walks into his room and begins to throw random items into a carry-on bag. He doesn’t shut the door, so I follow him in.

I’m not sure what to say, but I know that I need to say something before he forces me to leave. “You’re right.” He glances at me and gives me a skeptical look. “I am selfish.”

He pauses for a moment. A rolled up jumper lies in his hands. “What are you talking about?”

“You once told me that I was selfish.”

“That was three years ago, Soph.” The use of his old nickname for me creates butterflies in my stomach. I guess he realizes the effect of the nickname, so he adds on as he throws the jumper into his bag and continues packing, “It’s all ancient history.”

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