Chapter 34

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Author's Note: Happy New Year! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a ridiculously long amount of time. I'm awful, and I apologize. This chapter isn't very long, but I hope it sort of explains some lingering questions. Anyway, there will probably only be one more chapter of Rejected 22 Times. I know how I want it to end, and I think I can write it all in one chapter. Well, we'll see how that goes. I usually end up completely changing my mind.

I do have another story that I've been working on for a while. It's called Boston, and it is another Liam fanfic, but it is much more mature, instead of this high school drama. So check it out!

Also, thank you to everyone who has kept reading this story! Love you guys:)

Chapter 34

I spotted Alexis’ blonde hair from across the school’s courtyard. As I walked closer, I noticed that she sat at a table with Mia, Chase, Zach, Brooke, and the guy that Chase introduced me to at the dance. Alfie was his name I think. It surprised me that Zach and Brooke sat with them, but then again, everything was pretty unusual lately.

“Hey Sophia”, Mia smiled at me, and I automatically knew that we were going to be fine. I said hey back as I took a seat at the edge of the table next to Alfie. Mia, Chase, and Brooke sat across from the rest of us, and after a moment of silence, everyone returned to their previous conversations.

As everyone nonchalantly conversed, I tried to process all of the sudden changes in this group. Zach and Alexis seem pretty cozy, so I’m assuming they got back together. When did that happen? Also, why was Brooke talking to Mia and Chase? I missed a lot in the past few days.

“Sophia, right?” the boy to my right asked, catching me off guard.

“Oh, um, yeah. Alfie, right?” I questioned back.

He nodded his head. “So didn’t you go to the dance with Chase?” he asked, lowering his voice so the others wouldn’t hear. He motioned his head over towards Chase, who had his arm draped over Mia’s shoulders. I nodded my head in response, not exactly sure how else to answer. He didn’t have to ask any more questions, because I knew exactly what he was thinking.

“He didn’t go with the right girl”, I answered simply. A weak “oh” escaped from his lips followed by a sympathetic smile.

“So where’s Liam?” Mia asked suddenly, causing both Alfie and I to jump slightly. She didn’t seem phased my reaction, and instead waited eagerly for an answer.

“He, um, he left for the airport this morning.” A pang of pain coursed through my heart as the recent memories of saying goodbye flashed through my mind: the sadness in his eyes, the tears falling from mine.

“Oh, I didn’t realize he was leaving today.”

“Leaving?” Chase asked. Mia gave him a look to say that she’d explain it all later.

The idle chitchat continued; the boys discussed the new season of football that was starting up while the girls talked about the new, younger, male teacher that was replacing Mr. Stevens. Apparently, Mr. Stevens was going to retire early due to physical exhaustion.

“What’s the new teacher’s name?” I tried to be part of the conversation.

“I have no idea, but I’ve seen him walking around, and he looks great in a pair of skinny jeans”, Brooke responded as we all laughed at her comment.

The bell rang to notify us all that the school day was about to begin, and everyone around us began scrambling to get to class. Mia and Chase walked towards their class as Zach offered to carry Alexis’ books.

“I’ll see you around Soph”, Alfie said to me with a kind smile before heading towards his own class.

“See you around”, I called out after him as I went my own way, but I was stopped by a particular blonde.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” Brooke asked, but she was already pulling me to the side so we could talk privately.

“What’s going on?” I questioned.

“Well, first, I wanted to thank you again for Friday night. Anyone else would have loved the chance to get Millie in trouble or take the perfect opportunity to humiliate her, but you didn’t. So, thank you.”

“I would have done that for anyone”, I spoke meekly.

“Well Millie would not have done that for you.” I wouldn’t expect her too. “Anyway, she’s had a problem with drinking for a while now. She promised me she was going to stop.” Brooke’s face began to contort into a disappointed expression, but she quickly snapped out of it. “Her parents want to send her to boarding school.”

My eyes widened from Brooke’s shocking news. A million thoughts were running through my mind, but only one question escaped from my lips, “Are you okay?”

She smiled. “Yeah. I think this is what’s best for her, and besides, I need some time away from her. I need to be in control of my own life.” Not sure of what else to say, I simply nodded my head. “I’m sorry for everything that went down with Liam.”

“Me too.” She smiled weakly, and I tried my best to change this dreary topic of conversation. “Come on, let’s go to Literature. Maybe we’ll see that new teacher on our way.”

She laughed as we grabbed our books and headed towards Mrs. Robertson’s class. “I heard he has a tattoo of a skull and crossbones on his back”, she gushed, and for the first time in a while, I let out a genuine laugh.


PS- It's been just over two years since I joined Wattpad and started writing Rejected 22 Times! I started this story on January 3rd, 2013.

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