Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I opened my closet door, peered in, and sighed. I have no idea what to wear. This is a real-world problem. I sat on my bed, frustrated, when the phone rang downstairs.

I waited for someone to pick it up as it continued to ring. "Fine. I'll get it", I muttered to myself. I bounded down the stairs to get to the phone before it stopped ringing. I snatched it from the holder and answered it, "Hello?"

"Hey! Soph! So what are you wearing tonight?", the familiar voice of my friend Alexis asked.

"Um... clothes?", I answered.

"Well, no duh. I meant what kind of clothes."

"I don't know.. jeans and a shirt?"

There was a moment of silence. "Are you serious? You have to look good for Liam!"

"What? I'm not dressing up for Liam!", I shouted, shocked at what she said.

"He'll never ask you out again if you don't look good."

"You don't think he will ask me out again?"

"No! That's why I had to set you two up on a date!"

"So you did set us up! Well, I bet you that I can get him to ask me out again", I challenged confidently.

"Well...Zach and I were just going to ditch you two, but I want see this bet through. If I win, you ask him out yourself."

"What if I win?"

"Then... I'll stop asking you for your homework answers!"

"That doesn't seem like a fair trade... but fine..."

"Ok, so did you want to eat something before the film starts?"

"Yah, we'll meet by that restaurant near the cinema. I'll tell Liam."



"Haha. Okay, bye."

I quickly pressed the end button, and began to dial Liam's number. I was suprised that he answered after only one ring.

"Hello?", he answered questioningly.

"Hi Liam. It's.. um.. Sophia", I responded awkwardly.

"Oh.. uh.. hi Sophie."

"I just wanted to tell you about tonight..."

"Do you have to cancel? If you do, I get it...."

"N-n-no... Alexis just told me to meet at the restaurant near the cinema before, so we can eat."

"Oh, uh yah. That sounds great."

"Okay, see you soon then."

"Bye Sophie."

"Bye Liam."

I hung up the phone, mounted it back it on the holder, and dashed back upstairs. I had to pick out a nice outfit. After what seemed like hours later, I had decided on an outfit and had a mountain of clothes on my bed.

I slipped on the dark blue, skinny jeans, my oversized, pink sweater, and my grey, knit Uggs. I had spent so much time trying to figure out what to wear, I didn't have much time to do my hair or makeup.

Eventually, my parents came home. "Are you ready?", I asked as soon as they stepped in.

"For what?", my mum replied.

"I asked you yesterday if you could take me to the mall when you got home."

"Oh, I'm tired now. I had a long day at work, and I still have to work on my computer from home. I just want to relax."

"Come on! You said you would!", I demanded maybe a little too shrieky.

"Ask your dad", she instructed as I walked over to wear he was trying to sneak out of the kitchen. He sighed as he was about to race up the stairs and turned around. I looked at him pleadingly and he finally caved. "Ok, fine. Let's go", he agreed as I grabbed my purse off of the table.

"Be safe!", my mum yelled as I slammed the door.

"So who are you going with?", my dad asked once we were in the car.

"Alexis", I answered hoping he wouldn't continue the conversation. Luckily, he didn't, and that answer seemed to satisfy him.

Once we got there, I was prepared to run out the door, but my dad stopped me. "I want you be safe. Don't go off with any strangers, and call me when you want me to pick you up", he told me.

"I know. I know."

"So are you going to eat something?", he asked.

"We were going to meet at that restaurant over there."

"Ok, well here is 10 pounds. You can spend it on food", he stated as he pulled the bills out of his wallet.

"Thanks dad!", I said as I accepted it and gave him a hug.

I peered over his shoulder and saw Liam standing by the front entrance. He looked as if he felt awkward to be standing there. He was actually wearing something other than a plaid shirt which suprised me.

"Bye!", I shouted as I was about to practically run out of the car.

"Wait. It doesn't look like Alexis is here yet. Do you want me to wait?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Okay, bye."

I looked back and watched as my dad drove away. I waited until he was gone until I walked over to Liam.

"Hi", I greeted him as I gave a slight wave. He acknowledged me with a nod as he kept his hands in his pockets.

Gosh, I'm an idiot! I was so grateful when Alexis came up behind me and broke the uncomfortable tension.

I spun around to see her holding hands with Zach. Zach was cute... I guess. He was fun to be around, but he wasn't my type. Then again, what IS my type?

Zach held the door open for Alexis as she walked in. Liam grabbed the door for him, allowing Zach to step in. Then, Liam held the door for me as I walked in.

We sat down at a booth, and I sat right next to Liam.

This couldn't be more awkward.


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