New Story!

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Ok so I know that I said I would be posting a new story soon, and I finally did! It is called "He Said She Said. It is a joint fanfic with @youdontknowmexo. It is on our joint account @americanhipsters. We will be taking turns writing the chapters! I wrote the first chapter, and soon Caroline will be posting a second one. I really hope you all like it, and I would appreciate it if you all read it! Please help this new story be as successful as "Rejected 22 Times". I am so grateful for all my readers, and I would love if you all read this new story. Thank you all so much!


PS- "Rejected 22 Times" is NOT over.

UPDATE: I stopped writing for He Said She Said because I didn't have enough time for it, but Caroline is still continuing it, so you all should still read it!

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