Chapter 33

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Author's Note: I wasn't sure what I wanted to do next with this story, but I finally figured it out. Sorry it took me so long to do that. This chapter would have been sooner, but I lost wifi for a bit. Anyway, so I think there is about two more chapters left in this story after this one. I know how I want it to end, but I'm not exactly sure how many chapters it will take, but there will at least be two more. I'll let you know for sure next chapter.

PS- I have a new instagram and twitter: isabella9893. These will be my official accounts that are for the sole purpose of talking about Wattpad and my stories. I'll post updates or pictures, basically anything related to R22T and Boston. So follow me if you like, and check out my other story Boston if you haven't already.

Chapter 33


Two days.

There were two days before Liam left.

And I was determined to make the most of them.

Somehow, I made my way back to my house last night without having to face either one of my parents at the door. They probably assumed I would be coming home a little bit later, so I guess they just went off to bed early.

When I woke up, I had a pounding headache, and so I groaned as I made my way over to the washroom to brush my teeth. As I began to search the cabinets for something to relieve this headache, the thought of Millie waking up with a hangover entered my mind. Waking up with a headache twice as painful as mine and then having to deal with her parents did seem dreadful, but I couldn’t help but smile at the idea of it. Suddenly, I started to feel better.

After changing into a pair of jean shorts and a shirt, I headed down the stairs. Surprisingly, my parents were both seated at the kitchen table. Usually, they would have been long gone by now.

“Hey, what are you two still doing here?” I asked as I grabbed a bowl from one of the cupboards.

“Well good morning to you too”, my mum replied as I sat down at the table.

“I’m sorry. I was just surprised to see you two at this time on a Saturday morning.” I motioned for my dad to hand me the carton of milk. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”

“We took the day off”, my father answered, folding up the newspaper he had been reading. It was just now that I realized they weren’t in their usual work attire. In fact, they were still wearing their pyjamas.

“Why?” I continued my questioning as I poured the milk into my bowl and finished preparing my breakfast.

“We can’t take a day off from work without being interrogated by our own daughter?” he shot back.

“Sorry”, I apologized again. “It’s just not a common thing.”

“Well, since you are so eager to know, we took the day off to spend it with you”, my mum finally clarified. It was a good thing that I didn’t have any food in my mouth because I would have spitted it out all over them. My eyes grew wide as my voice shrunk. Why, of all days, did they have to stay home today? Liam was leaving in two days, and I was looking forward to spending that time with him. “I can tell by your speechlessness that you are just bursting with joy.”

“No. It’s not that I’m not glad you want to spend time with me, it’s just… I already had plans.” For some reason, I was finding it very difficult to formulate a coherent sentence.

“Plans?” my father retorted.

“Cancel them”, my mother said as if I should have already known what to do.

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