Chapter 36

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A/N: I hope you liked the last chapter. This one is about longer, and it's part 2 of 3. So the last chapter and final chapter of this story will probably be posted tomorrow. Again, I can't thank you guys enough for reading my story. Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Chapter 36


Liam POV

Everything is happening so fast. Three hours ago, I thought that my life as a musician was over. Two hours ago, I sat on a hotel room floor with four other boys as we discussed what the hell had just happened. One hour ago, we all decided that we needed to get to know each other better before we could start making music.

And now I’m laying down on my hotel bed, staring at Sophia’s contact in my phone. The other lads and I are going to grab a bite to eat before we all had to leave the city, but I told them I would meet them in the lobby in a few minutes.

I just need to hear her voice.

Within seconds, my thumb hits the Call Now button and Sophia’s name flashes across my screen.

“Hello?” she answers on the first ring.

“Sophia!” I practically shout. “I, uh, I mean Sophia,” I lower my voice an octave. “I have so much to tell you. Are you busy?”

“I think I can spare a few minutes,” she teases. “What’s going on?”

I briefly recount the tale of what I had just experienced. Of course, she congratulates me, and I thank her. It feels weird talking to her. It’s like we lost our personal connection. I’ve already lost her.

“I miss you,” I stupidly blurt out after the fifth time she states how proud of me she is. It gets quiet on her end. All I hear is her quiet breaths, and I instantly regret my words.

“Is it bad if I say that I miss you too?” she finally responds.

“Not at all.” I can’t help but to allow a smile to spread across my face.

“So don’t you get to come home for a bit before going to the judges’ house?” she asks with what seems like bit of hopefulness in her voice.

“Um, well, the band decided that we needed to get to know each other better, so one of the lads said we could all crash at his place.”

“So you’re not coming back home?” I can almost hear her heart drop.

I shake my head, and after realizing that she can’t see me over the phone, a small “no” escapes my lips.

“Well, I hope you have fun, Liam. I actually have to…” she tries to dismiss herself, but I can’t let her hang up.

“I love you, Sophia.” The words are rushed, but I needed to get them out before she got off the line. Again, all I hear is silence with the exception of her breathing. But then I hear what seems to be a muffled sob. “Sophia?” I ask delicately.

“Liam, I can’t do this.” Her voice is shaky.

“Can’t do what?” I don’t know if I want the answer.

“Have a good life, Liam.”


“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Do not tell me that you were just about to dismiss me like that and think everything would just go away!” I’m on my feet now, and my blood feels like it’s boiling inside my veins.

“I am happy for you! I really am! But I need closure, Liam!” She begins to shout loud enough to make me pull the phone away from my ear. “I want the best for you. I want the world to give you everything that you want and deserve. I want you to be happy.” Her voice calms down a bit. “But I need space.”

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