Chaopter 1 : The weekened.

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"Avi...Stop running" A man around 32 years warned an 8 years kid who is running aimlessly around the house.

The little boy jumped from the couch laughing, having the greatest time in his life. Then he started running around again. Barely missing the furniture hitting his body.

That kid is wild. His dad is worried.

"Avi! " The man shouted in a warning tone but the little kid ignored him completely and started climbing the furniture just to jump down it again.

"Avi! I told you to stop running did not I ?" His dad warned him from the kitchen where he is trying to make breakfast for them.

Kids are hard to raise. Avi is one of those kids too. The wild one. Who always makes trouble and lives to get into trouble. But he got used to it. It's his kid. He loves him nevertheless. The kid may get on his nerves. Make him annoyed. Crash his work sometimes. But he is still a kid. Kids are like that. He may get angry at the spot but he takes his son into his arms later telling him he was sorry that he got angry at him.

But right now. This little kid is getting on his nerves.

"Avi! If you don't stop running around I will not bring you back from your dad's house after this weekend " the dad warned.

"I love dad's house, Papa. It's big and beautiful. I always wanted to live there. I loveeee it " The kid stuck his tongue at his papa and ran away.

"Of course, You love it. If I were a Ceo of a damn company. I would live in a mansion too. " The dad mumbled under his breath finally finishing making the breakfast.

"If you don't stop running, I will not take you to eat ice cream after school this Monday. " The dad warned knowing it will perfectly work on his wild kid.

As expected the kid stopped in his track to look around at his dad who is in the middle of bringing the breakfast from the kitchen to the dining table.

"Papaaaa " The kid ran to his papa to attach his 8 years self to his papa's leg was about to hit his forehead to the edge of the table but his dad placed his hand to the kid's forehead just before he hit his forehead to the table.

"Oucchhhh " the dad hissed taking his hand away from his kid's forehead but the kid did not even seem to notice it as he shook his papa's leg pouting at his papa with puppy eyes. 

"Let go " The dad took his son's little hands away from his leg gently so he could walk to the fridge. 

The kid followed behind him getting into his steps.

"Stop walking in my legs"  The dad said but the kid still followed behind him closely hitting his little legs to his dad. 

"Papaaaa...can we still get ice cream after school?"  The kid gave him the puppy eyes that no one could resist.

The dad sighed lifting the 8 years kid into his arms who laid his head in his dad's shoulder throwing his little arms around the dad's neck.

"Be a good boy. Then we will go" The dad said walking around doing things with his kid in his arms.

"Avi " The dad called his son who laid in his arms without moving for a long time after he settled the breakfast on the table. But the kid fell asleep making the dad chuckle.

"This boy" the dad smiling to himself kissing the little boy's head and walked to the couch to lay the boy on the couch but the little boy caught his neck so tightly in sleep.

So, The dad had no other choice but lay with his kid on the couch patting the kid's back lightly.

After few minutes of resting on the couch with his kid. The bell ranged at the front door.

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