Epilogue and book fest !

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*5 years later*

"Are you serious mew" gulf huffed in anger walking away from mew.

"Babe, I told you Iam sorry " mew pleaded following behind gulf.

"Just stop okay. What can I do with your apologizes now. It's all ruined already "Gulf replied with a glare.

"Iam sorry babe. Really i won't let it happen again" mew pleaded again.

"Like i will trust with you again" gulf rolled his eyes.

"Look at this brunt cake" gulf pointed out getting even angrier at the sight of it.

He gave one work . Just one but his smart husband runied it.

"Iam sorry iam sorry. I was distracted " mew hugged him from behind burying his face into gulf neck , now he is just trying to act cute.

"What are we going to do now?"  Gulf sighed , any very angry anymore.

It's lily & Violets birthday tomorrow. The twins are turning 5 . Gulf worked hard baking this cake after putting there kids to sleep. But it's runied cause he husband wanted sexy time while the cake was baking .

Just then thier son avi walked downstairs yawing . He wore boxers and  a tshirt . He turned 13 few months back. Though gulf met mew when they were in college. Looking at avi is like looking the youmger version. As he is growing up and he is growing a lot these days, his features are getting obvious.

As much as he loved to see avi growing up into a man. He was cute when was young. It's hard to deal with teenage kids and avi is one of them. His personality did a whole 360 as he grew up. He gets into fights at school. Talks back everytime. Never sleeps on time. It's all the teenage stuff he had to deal. Mew always takes avi's side. Gulf thinks it's the reason avi had become like this.

"You didn't sleep yet? I told you to shut your video games and sleep by 10. " Gulf was irrated again cause he know how avi can be. Sometimes he stays up playing vedio games until 2 or 3. Sometimes watching some series until early morning and ends up looking like a zombie in the morning without sleep.

Avi jumped with a hand on his heart. He wasn't expecting anyone to see downstairs at this time. It's almost 12.

"I just needed some water pa " avi grumbled walking into kitchen. He side eyed mew hugging gulf from behind and wondered what was happening.

Avi's voice is also changing a lot .

Gulf ignored his son and turned to mew. He scolded him by dabbing into his chest.

"What happened?" Avi asked putting the bottle on the kitchen counter.

"Your father burnt the cake" gulf said grumpily.

"I actually bought a cake in the evening. You can have it if you want" avi offered. He figured it was for the midnight birthday wishes for his sisters. He bought it so he can wish for them in the morning.

"I was gonna ask about it. Where did you get that from ?" Gulf asked suspiciously takitthe cake from the fridge .

He coughed acting suspiciously. "I asked someone to make it " he replied drinking water again to avoid speaking.

When gulf opened the cake box, he was quick to notice that it was made by gun. They have been negibours and friends for more than 5 years. He can recognise gun's cake anywhere.

"It was made by uncle gun " gulf said looking at avi.

"Well it was not made by just uncle gun . Kate helped him make it " avi replied weirdly. Something sounds suspicious.

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