chapter 11: Leave the door open.

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It's been two days since mew drove off from gulf's place in the middle of his panic attack. He parked his car at the side of the road after he crossed the street and called his driver to pick him up.

By the time his driver came there in another car, mew was lying in the driver's seat with his head on the steering, body shaking like he was exposed to the winter air. The driver quickly helped mew into the passenger seat and drove them back home.

That's the last time when anyone saw mew in these last two days.  He locked himself at the house not allowing anyone to get in, not even the workers who work around the house.


Mew ended the call from his mom for the 100th time that day.  He did not turn the phone off because he is working from home and he had to accept calls from the company to know everything is going well with work.


He sighed sliding the call to end once again. 


His phone vibrated with continuous texts from the same person. He did not even bother to open them this time. His fingers kept moving on the keyboard, eyes fixed on the screen. His hair falling onto his forehead, dark circles under his eyes. He looked disastrous wearing the same clothes from two days back.


He sighed and searched for the phone blindly under the covers to check if there were any calls from people other than his mom. Maybe from someone that he is thinking about constantly.


His phone rang again in his hand displaying his mom's contact.

"What?" He snapped as soon as he picked up the call.

"Finally! What are you doing mew? " Raina spoke worriedly into the phone.

Mew did not respond.

"You chased away all the works. You did not attend your therapy session yesterday. It's the 4th session you missed. Have you been taking your medicines? Are you eating? "  she bombarded him with the questions when she realized mew is not talking to her.

"You told gulf. Why did you?"   Mew asked his voice rough from not to talk to anyone for 2 days. 

"baby..." His mom sighed in distress.

"He hates me mom. he hates me even more now. " Mew muttered in low voice.

"I am sorry, mew. Mama is really sorry. I should not have gone to speak to gulf. Ok. Please take the medicines." Raina pleaded.

"He hates me, mom. I can't even speak to him about it without getting a panic attack. I could not even apologize to him. I hate myself. I ran away from it again, mom. Why am I like this? " Mew whimpered.

"Oh lord. Everything will be alright, mew. Take the medicines. " She tried again.

"No. Nothing will be alright"  Mew snapped not even bothering to hear about the medicines she is talking about.

"Mew...Listen to me. I will be there by tomorrow morning. This flight is delayed again due to weather.  I should not have come here in the first place. Why did I even..."  Raina started rambling about how she is sorry and it was all her fault. She pleaded with him to take the medicines and take care until she comes back.

But mew hung up the call in the middle of her talking.

"Ahhhh. You deserve to die. You are useless " He told himself clutching his hair with both hands.

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