Chapter 5 : I like me better

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"Nate...Stop drinking. I will throw you out of my home if you get drunk. " gulf warned when he saw Nate opening another can of beer.

After Nate dropped gulf home. Gulf slept for a while when he woke up he was sober. But Nate came to hang out with him again with a pack of beers. Sia is staying at her aunt's again. So, Nate decided it will be their boys' night.

"Join me gulf. Let's get drunk. " Nate slurred obviously drunk.

"Not like someone. I have job to do tomorrow. I don't think I can teach those students with hangovers. " Gulf said switching the Tv channel to another.

Gulf is sitting on the couch legs crossed with a pillow on his lap. While Nate is sitting on the floor his back leaning to the sofa with beer cans lying around him. Half of them are empty.

"Why are you still wearing that suit?" Gulf asked.

Nate shrugged.

"You can borrow my clothes for the night. Go take a T-shirt from my wardrobe. " Gulf shooed him.

Nate drunk walked to gulf room and changed into one of gulf T-shirts and removed his pants staying in his boxers. Then he crawled back to the couch and sat in his previous position.

"I miss Lisa so much. " Nate whined.

This is their normal boys' night. Where Nate or sometimes both of them get drunk. This is when Nate cry complaining about every single thing.
Sometimes gulf gives him attention, sometimes he doesn't. It's just usual drunk nate crying over everything.

As gulf thought about it, Nate started crying complaining about not able to tie his daughter's hair properly.

Gulf rolled his eyes and let his best friend cry to himself.

After hours of Nate crying, whining, drinking. Gulf trying to block out Nate's cries and concentrate on the show he is watching on Tv. Nate finally fell asleep.

Gulf kicked his best friend before cleaning the mess he created. He threw a blanket on Nate and put his clothes in the washing machine before going to his room to sleep.

That night...He cried. He doesn't know why. It's been a long time since he cried himself to sleep. Tears just made their way out of his eyes as he thought of everything that happened in this day.

Next morning.

Gulf woke up got ready and preparing some breakfast for himself when his best friend who was lying dead on the floor near the couch woke up.

"Ahhh...My neck" Nate groaned standing up.

"Why did not you let me sleep in the guest room or sofa? My neck is hurting like a bitch" Nate shouted.

"Thats for making a mess with all those beer cans in my house " gulf replied without taking his eyes from the egg he is frying.

"I hate you!" Nate shouted by rubbing his neck.

"Don't worry. The feeling is mutual. "
Gulf replied.

"You wanna eat or not?" Gulf asked.

"No. I just wanna sleep for a while. My head is throbbing. " Nate replied.

"Sit there for a while. I will drop you home on my way to work " Gulf said.

"I can drive. " Nate replied.

"You can drive if you wanna die " Gulf said with a pointed look.

"Ok. " Nate sighed sitting on the couch.

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