Chapter 7 : Fools

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Only fools fall for you.


Mew pov

"What? Did not expect me to know the truth? " mew asked.

"You drugged me," Mew said pointing an accusing finger at the man once he called his best friend.

The shock faded as soon as it appeared on Rohit's face. 

"I did not really 'drug' you. It's just alcohol. You clearly remember what happened that night " Rohit said with a smug look on his face, arms crossed over his chest.

Mew nostrils flared in anger like a wild animal getting ready to strike. But there is also a little truth in Rohit's words. Though what mew said is the exact truth.

Mew did not suspect his so-called best friend appearing out of nowhere on certain days when the gulf was away, after being disappeared without a word after he got married to the gulf.

They hung out like old best friends who met after a long time. Mew did not treat him as anything different than a genuine best friend. Thats until the day when Rohit called mew to hang out with him without earlier notice.

Mew who had no plans that day got home early to rest early just to receive a call from his best friend asking him to hang out and had some drinks. Mew though declined to say he is already home and off for the day. But Rohit insisted by making up various explanations. Lastly, Mew agreed and allowed Rohit to join him at his house to have some drinks and talk.

But what no one knows is. Rohit found the information about gulf coming back sooner than he planned because of the news of his pregnancy by his connections.  Firstly, He planned to take it slow and make mew fall into his trap slowly by approaching him like an old friend. But he realized he would not have any chance of it if gulf comes back - mainly come back with pregnancy news. There will be a chance for him. Thats the only thing that filled his brain. So, He acted quickly by making sudden plans with mew the night before gulf would come.

He made mew drunk to his verge. He also made sure mew would not get any news about gulf coming back the next day. To his luck, Gulf did not give any updates wanting it to be a surprise.

After seeing mew getting to the edge of being drunk, he quietly slipped a pill into his drink. Mew is too drunk to find any difference in his drink. At that point, mew's drunk self was chatting nonstop about gulf. About how he missed him. Nevertheless, Rohit hating gulf with every fiber of his body took that as a positive thing.

He knows mew would never touch him if he knows he is not gulf, more like if he knows he is his best friend. So, He wanted to make mew drown with gulf recollections and seduce him.

Mew was already hot with hormones due to the result of the pill Rohit slipped into his drink. He can feel someone touching his body. He is awake but still unconscious. His mind is filled with gulf thoughts as his body getting hotter with every passing second. Even though the touch he is getting is not similar to the person he is imagining in his mind. He still let it.
It's been a month since he was with gulf physically. He is missing him too much, he is too horny, he is everything but rational.

When heard the word 'papi' whispered into his head. That when he lost it completely. It sounded dangerously similar to gulf. Thats the word gulf say when he is under him with mew inside him, gulf panting as his body covered in sweat and stare at him with that look filled with love.

Although all his mind can see is gulf, the touch is so different. But he is too horny to care. He did not realize his mistake until dawn.

He woke up naked in the guest room of this house tangled with the sheets. That's when heard voices outside the room. One is his best friend and the other is his husband...He is back.

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