chapter 12: Play with fire.

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"Hi " Mew waved at gulf  .

One look, gulf already knew mew is drunk.

"What are you doing here?" Gulf asked pointed at the car and then back at mew with a distressed sigh.

Mew did not say anything, he just kept staring at the gulf like it was the only thing he would like to do right now. Staring.

"Mew?" Gulf called seeing mew is not replying to him.

Then mew stepped forward without taking his intense gaze away from the gulf.

Before gulf could ask him what is trying to do. Mew tripped on his step making gulf step forward to catch him.

Gulf helped him standstill with both arms catching onto mew arms.
Mew held him back. They stood like that. No one attempted to move away. Mew kept staring at him as he was in some dream. Silence fell between them except for the Tv running somewhere inside the house.

"You are drunk. " Gulf stated trying to break the silence.

Mew nodded but did not take off his hands from gulf.

"What are doing here? Should not you be at home sleeping after drinking this much?" Gulf asked letting mew go and creating a little distance between them.

"Um...Yeah...I-I should be at home. " Mew mumbled taking his eyes away from gulf for the first time from the second he arrived.

He stepped back but somehow tripped again.  But the gulf was once again quick to hold him before he fell.

"You are so drunk. How are you gonna make it home?" Gulf asked looking at the car mew parked.

There is no way he could drive back himself. He could not even park correctly. The poor plant was knocked over. How did he even get he-

Mew pulled him close making gulf eyes go wide.

Before gulf to process. Mew pulled him even more closer. Their bodies are touching. Gulf felt goosebumps for a second from their intimacy.

Gulf was never this close to mew in 8 years. Now thinking, he did not even touch mew once after their divorce. Not even a little handshake. Now feeling mew body over his. It felt unusual. It made him feel weird inside and out. Mostly, it felt familiar.

Gulf pulled away softly trying to act like that little touch did not affect him. But his body gave him away. Mew is too drunk to catch that.

" should stay for a while and get sober. " Gulf said holding his hands behind him looking everywhere but mew.

"Can I?" Mew asked voice low, taking a little step forward.

Even though gulf is not looking at mew, he is quite sure mew is staring at him.

"Yes," Gulf nodded stepping back, a silent offer for him to get inside. Mew took the offer and walked inside.

Gulf closed the door behind and locked it.

Wait. Why am I locking it? Won't he go back after a while?

Then he unlocked it, decided to get inside. But doesn't know what went through his head, he stopped and stepped back to lock it again. He walked inside fastly before brian make up some stupid comments over what he just did.

By the second he walked. He saw mew holding his phone, sitting on the couch. His eyes fixed on the screen.

Oh, shoot. Instagram.

Gulf ran to him snatching back the phone from mew hands. Mew looked up quickly, stretching his hand to take hold of the phone again.

"Umm...Battery low. I gotta charge it " Gulf walked - ran into the kitchen.

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