chapter 15 (part 2)

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"Hey...Let me carry it " Mew hurriedly strode towards gulf who is carrying another bag of luggage.

"It's not even that heavy..." Gulf huffed but mew just grinned at him and took the bag from his hands.

Mew has been acting very caring. Like so much that it's making gulf annoyed but he is low-key liking it.

"Anything more you want to bring?" Mew asked placing the 5th luggage bag inside his car trunk.

"No " Gulf shook his head and locked his door as mew closed his car trunk.

Mew opened the passenger door for gulf once he walked near the car. He even went as far as to put the seat belt for him.

"I am not avi you know. I can do it myself " Gulf gave him a look but instantly turned away failing to hold his smile.

Mew who was already used to gulf's behavior did not overthink. He did what he wanted to for his love. He doesn't mind taking extra care. He loves it and he loved the baby inside gulf. Their baby.

Mew walked over to the driver's seat, then they were driving off to the home they are going to live in together.

"Do you like to eat something? We can stop at some restaurant and get lunch ". Mew asked looking at gulf sideways who is busy staring out the window lost in thoughts.

Mew touched gulf hand which is placed on his lap , getting an instant reaction from him. Mew did not let go of his hand, instead, he interlinked them and brought them onto his own lap. 

Gulf watched that act silently but did not pull his hand away.

"Are you hungry? It's almost lunchtime. " Mew asked softly seeing gulf is deep in thoughts.

"Umm...Yeah but, What about Avi? Did he eat yet?"  Gulf asked.

"Avi was eating with his grandma. I was about to join them, then I got a text from Nate. I did not waste a single second before I drove here " Mew said smiling.

Gulf just hummed at that information.

"Wait - why do you have Nate's number though?" Gulf asked as that question struck his brain.

Mew did not answer but instead, he slowed down the car pointing the restaurant through the window.

"Should we eat there? I heard the food is good here. I came here with Avi a few times "   mew said.

"Huh? Yeah " Gulf replied looked through the window.

"Ok then, let's go ". Mew said driving towards the parking lot. Once they parked the car, they walked inside the restaurant sticking close to each other than usual. People would no doubt think of them as a couple.

Mew wanted to hold his hand but he is not sure how the gulf would react. So, he just appeased himself by walking closer to him brushing their shoulders.

It's not one of the best fancy restaurants. It's just regular dining with good food.

"Take a seat," Mew said pulling the seat for gulf making him rolling his eyes as he sat.

Gulf thought mew would sit on the other side of the table but instead, he sat in the chair beside him.

"Welcome to LV restaurant sirs. What would you like to eat today?" The waiter who walked to them once they settled down asked.

They both ordered food and the waiter offered them drinks as they waited for food.

"Are you sure it's alright to eat the food you ordered? I think there are certain food pregnant people should not eat " Mew asked as he took out his phone.

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