Chapter 15 (part 1) :

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"Dude! What the hell!" Nate yelled walking out of gulf's kitchen to see the owner himself laying carelessly on the couch as he munched on the snacks.

"What?" Gulf asked without taking his eyes off the TV screen.

Nate groaned as he stomped all way towards the single couch beside the one gulf is laying.

"Why do you have to eat all the snacks?"  Nate whined childishly as he hugged the pillow to his chest.

"Because this is my house and I am the one who bought them. " Gulf countered unbothered.

Nate threw the pillow at gulf which barely hit him before falling on the ground.

"Thats rude, nate. Don't make me kick you out of my house " Gulf replying laughing at Nate who glared.

"Did you forget who helped you eat all the snacks you bought all these years? You ungrateful Bish " Nate huffed.

"Which reminds me to charge you for the snacks you eat all these years " Gulf replied

"Why are being so mean and moody these days "

"Because why can't I " Gulf replied smugly.

"And fat "

"Bitch I'm not fat "  Gulf hissed grabbing the pillow from the ground and throwing it back at Nate.

"Yeah. Whatever helps you sleep tonight" Nate laughed finally happy that he got to annoy gulf.

"I am just getting thicc and... hotter. " Gulf added and blushed as he remembered how mew said the same words to him a few days back.

"Ooooh. What are you blushing for? I'm seeing that a lot these days? Did something interesting happen with your Ex-husband?" Nate asked curiously.

"No! " Gulf exclaimed remembering how he jerked off last night thinking about mew.

I am so fucking weird. Gulf thought.

"Come on. You tell me everything" Nate pressed still curious.

"No, I don't. Why I do that anyway?" Gulf huffed sitting up. 

"Because I am your best friend," Nate said grinning. Gulf rolled his eyes at that.

"There is Nothing is happened between me and my Ex-husband," Gulf said like he is talking to a kid.

It nates turn to roll his eyes.

"Speaking of him. Now that he took Avi out for the weekend. What are you planning to do this weekend?" Nate asked?

"I don't know. Just hang out with my asshole of a best friend." Gulf replied.

"Ok. Well. Let's hang out then "

Then they started watching TV...well they tried because Nate would not shut his mouth for more than 10 minutes.

"Hey, Do you remember when said Avi and Sia are legit soulmates?" Nat3 asked after few minutes.

"What about it?" Gulf asked.

"Sia is calling him 'big brother ' last weekend. I am very heartbroken. I thought we were gonna be family in the future" Nate spoke acting dramatic with his hand over his heart.

"First of all. Eww. They are still kids. Don't be gross "

"I am not be-"

"Second of all, Sorry bro. I am barely tolerating you as my best friend"

"But - "

"Shut up. No one cares " Gulf snapped and went back to watching Tv. It's been 10 minutes when Nate started whining again.

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