Chapter 6: Me and my broken heart

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Gulf pov.

"Good morning, Mr. Gulf " Sara - Gulf's colleague greeted him on his break. She is a history teacher.

They are currently sitting in the staff room. Since they are having free periods.

"Morning Ms.Sara. how was your weekend?" Gulf asked sitting on his desk which is placed beside her.

"Awesome! " She cheered her smile brighter than usual.

"Well okay...What's the news missy?" Gulf asked with a smile. They have been working together for 5 years. They are friends more or less. They don't hang out outside the school but they can be called friends from their closeness.

"Guess who is getting married?" She said eyes filled with happiness.

"Don't tell me Viki finally proposed you," Gulf asked not hiding his surprise. Viki is her 10 years boyfriend.

"Hell ya!" She said showing her hand which has a ring to its middle finger.

"Took him long enough, " gulf said making Sara laugh.

"The ring is beautiful by the way" gulf added making her eyes lit.

Gulf still remembered the day mew proposed to him. They were dating for 4 years when mew proposed. They were young. Gulf was only 22. No job yet. But he still accepted. They were in so love. Mew took over his father's company. He was working hard. He said he wanted to start a family with gulf. He said he doesn't want to wait longer because he knows gulf is the one for him. His only love. That's what he used to say.

Sometimes when he thinks about all of those they experienced together. Gulf could help but ask himself 'where did it go wrong?'

What had he done? Why did mew cheat on him? Is it something he did?

"Gulf?" Gulf came out of his thought when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Your phone is ringing " Sara said and looked back into her book

Gulf shook his head physically like he wanted the thoughts to go away.

"Hello?" Gulf spoke on the phone.

"Hello sir. Am I talking to avi's father? Mr.Gulf " A lady spoke from the other side.

"Yes?" Gulf asked brows frowned. 

"We are calling from Wisdom elementary school, sir. Your son got into a fight." The woman spoke making gulf frown even more.

"Sorry, What happened?" Gulf asked worried at the same time angry.

"Avi hit another student named Sai from his class. That kid fell on the ground hitting his head to a rock. He was needed to take to the hospital for stitches. " The woman spoke.

"Oh my god.." Gulf was shocked to hear that. It's his first time getting a call from Avi's school.

"You need to come to school sir. The kid's parents want to speak to you. We don't tolerate this type of behavior in our school." the woman said strictly.

"I am so sorry. I..will there in a few," Gulf said hanging up the call.

What the heck is this boy thinking?

Gulf is furious.

He stood up taking his bag from his desk.

"Hey. Where are you going? The next class starts in like...5 minutes. " Sara asked from her desk.

He looked at his wristwatch. Shit.

Should I ask mew? But I don't think he will be free. It's Tuesday morning. His schedule will be mostly fixed by now.

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