chapter 14 : Closer

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It's a promise.

And mew did a really good job keeping up his promise. As gulf offered,mew visited his house on weekdays to compensate for the weekend he missed spending with Avi.

But that is not what made gulf surprise. It was an another usual Thursday. He did not expect to see mew again before the weekend but he was standing in front of Avi's school leaning into his car.

Gulf parked his car at the side of the road and walked towards the entrance of the school, where mew stood.

"What are you doing here?"  Gulf asked as soon as he walked towards him.

"Hey hi " Mew smiled cheerfully but gulf did not hold that cheerfulness.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work? " Gulf asked glancing at his wristwatch.

Gulf finishes his classes at 3 in the afternoon and he comes to get Avi, whose school finishes at 4. It's his everyday routine. But he did expect mew to be there in his routine.

"I am but I am kinda busy trying to keep my promise"  Mew gave him a charming smile.

Mew changed. Gulf could not say how exactly he managed to but he did. He is more cheerful and playful these days.  It's been just 4 days but he could still point out them. That's how much he changed.

"Are you trying to use my son against-" Gulf stopped talking as mew pushed himself off the car that he is leaning into with both hands stuffed into his pockets and took a step at gulf. So, they were standing in front of each other.

Mew lifted his hand from his pocket.  Gulf leaned back a little hurriedly as he saw mew hand moving towards his face. That made mew stop moving his hand, he looked hurt for a second. Then he brushed it off like its nothing.

"He is our son, honey " Mew gave him a cheeky smile pressing the word 'our' as he tucked gulf hair that fell into his eyes behind the ear.

"and please don't say it like that.  He is not some object to use. He is our son. I love him as much as I love you. " Mew smiled without taking his hand off gulf hair.

"How was your day at school?" Mew asked as he adjusted gulf hair that flew in different directions due to wind.

"I can do it myself. " Gulf pushed mew hand like an angry wife who doesn't want that husband to touch her that night after a fight.

Mew grinned and stepped back.

"Dada! Papa!"

They both turned to look at Avi who stopped in his tracks with a surprised expression as he saw his both dads waiting for him.

"Hi there, handsome boy,"  Mew said in a teasing tone looking at surprised son.

"Dada!" Avi ran towards mew and gave him a tight hug. Mew pulled him up so he could hug him properly instead of making the little bury his face into his stomach and call it a hug.

Avi put an arm around mew neck and stretched another one for gulf to come to hug him as he still stayed in mew arms.

Gulf had no other choice but to hug him. Mew took the chance and put his hand around gulf waist. He did not let go even after he stopped hugged avi.

"Are you happy? To see us together here. " Mew asked carrying avi with his right hand and left hand around gulf's waist. 

"Yeahhh "  Avi cheered happily. 

"Really. So can I come to pick you up every day?" Mew asked making Avi look at him with wide eyes. He was shocked to hear that he is gonna see dada every day. 

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