chapter 18 - part 1

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It's the 6th month of pregnancy. Gulf's bump is getting noticeable. There is no secret about it and they have no reason to hide it.

"Love, Pass me the ketchup," Mew asked gulf who sat beside him helping avi to finish his food.

"Here " Gulf handed him the ketchup bottle, wiping Avi's mouth at the same time.

"Papa...I don't want to eat anymore " Avi whined putting the cereal bowl at the table.

"Come on, It's almost done. Last few spoons " Gulf urged putting the bowl back in Avi's hand.

Avi groaned but finished his breakfast. Gulf offered him extra fruits even though Avi begged he doesn't want to eat anymore. The father knows his son will get hungry before lunchtime if he doesn't eat his full now.

"Avi, Do you wanna come to the hospital with us tomorrow? You can see your little siblings through the ultra scan." mew asked excitingly.

"Yeah!" Avi exclaimed his eyes lit with happiness.

These days he was so obsessed with the baby growing in his papa's tummy. He can't wait to meet them.

Mew and gulf chuckled at their little boy. In the queue, their doorbell ringed indicating the driver who came to drop Avi at school has arrived. 

Avi jumper out of his chair grabbed his bag laying on the floor beside the table.

"Bye dada! Bye Papa!" He shouted waving his little hand. Gulf noticed that boy is growing these days. He is not his little baby anymore, who used to cry over ice creams and toys. Gulf took a night to sob over it. Mew blamed it on the overgrowing emotions that came with his pregnancy. But that does not stop him from consoling his husband...  ex-husband. Hugging him and saying sweet things all night.

"Aren't you forgetting to say bye to your little sibling?" Gulf reminded. 

Avi stopped in his tracks facepalming, which for some reason looked so cute to gulf. He watched as the little boy walked back to him to hug his tummy and kiss it.

"I love you, little baby. I will meet you later. Bye " he pecked gulf tummy once again before stepping back.

Gulf leaned down and kissed his sons head smiling at him sweetly.

"Do I get a kiss too?" Mew asked with a pout from beside looking at his adorable family.

Avi laughed at his dada's expressions. He went to hug mew too.

"Bye!" Then he ran towards the door.

"Shall we go, love?" Mew asked adjusting the grey suit that he wore for work today.

"Did I mention how hot you look in that outfit?" Gulf asked turning towards mew.

Mew chuckled walking forward to pull gulf to him.

"You said now," mew said giving his usual sexy look.

"You look like.." Gulf said trailing off making mew raise his eyebrow.

"Like?" mew asked.

"A daddy material " Gulf whispered winking at him and tried to slip away but mew was quick to chase and catch him.

They both laughed holding each other. Suddenly gulf blinked shaking his head like he is trying to get rid of something off his head.

"What's happening, love?" Mew asked getting concerned.

"I...I am okay. I am feeling a little shaky today. "  Gulf said smiling, feeling better again.

"Are you sure? I think you should take leave today. No No. I say you should quit school until the baby comes out. " Mew spoke growing concerned by every second.

"No no. I am okay. " Gulf spoke patting new shoulder as he stepped back.

"I don't think so. " Mew spoke still frowning.

"I'm really okay. Look.." Gulf spread his arms doing a little twirl to show his body is fine.

But that did not really convince mew. That look on his face made Gulf sigh. He leaned down to kiss his ex-husband.

"I will call you if I am not okay. For now, I am fine. See. " Gulf assured him.

"But why take risks. " Mew asked nit convinced

"I will get bored staying home alone " Gulf revealed his reasons at last.

"Love.." Mew sighed cupped gulf cheeks.

"Do you think I'm gonna leave you alone in this house? No way!" Mew said pecked his lips.

"You can come with me to work. You can just sit and pass time. Or I could work from home." Mew offered.

Gulf laughed at that desperate tone.

"What happened to you today?" Gulf asked hugged mew close.

"I just have this bad feeling " mew explained.

Gulf frowned.

"Why is that?" He asked.

"I don't know. I just dont want you to live my sight. I am worried " Mew pulled him even more closer.

"Honey.. "  Gulf said looking at mew.

"Don't be like that. What happened? Why are being like that?" Gulf whispered searching his face

Mew shook his head pulling the other one closer hugging him tightly. 

"Quit the school, love. Only For few months. " Mew whispered into the hug.

"Ok" Gulf replied taking mew by surprise.

"Wait- really!" Mew cheered pulling back.

"Yes " gulf nodded

"Thank you. I love you so much" Mew hugged him tightly again.

At that moment, The thoughts gulf had been avoiding came back.

It's your ex-husband! The one you divorced because he cheated on you.

Gulf closed his eyes sighing. He is being so careless by pushing away those thoughts.  But he doesn't care right now.

"Come, Let's go to the school and put an application for your maternal leave " mew said walking out of the home, dragging gulf along with him.

******************** (to be continued)

Hello Hello 👋

So, How have you all been?

Yeah yeah. I did not forget or abandon this story. Don't worry. I will not go anywhere without completing it.

I lot has been going on with my life recently. I will not bore you by talking about all of it. I just want to say that my life is not on a smooth track right now. I know it will get better as time passes. So...I have been just waiting for this period of my life to pass on.

By the way, It's a little chapter because I haven't been writing for a long time. Take it as a little warm-up.

More is coming soon.

More 2 and ½ chapters until the end. An extra and A epilogue at the end.

I have been thinking about my next book these days. It's gonna be an awesome one. Something new that I haven't tried before.

I am looking forward to all of this.

See ya in tomorrow's 18 chapter part 2.

Luv ya ❤

(Yup my two whitefish are still chasing. All of them are alive and in good condition😄)

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