Chapter 20 - The end

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*Time skip*

"Hey, Avi. Come on. Eat your breakfast" Raina (Mew's mom) called her grandson from the kitchen who is running around the house playing with his remote control car.

"Where are dada and papa?"  Avi asked turning off that car walking towards the table.

"They are coming. Will be joining us in a minute" Raina ruffled the little one's head sitting beside him at the table.

"Good morning " 

Both Avi and Raina turned towards the voice of gulf who stood at the top of the stairs wearing PJ's showing his belly, which looks like the baby was about to pop out any minute now.

Raina smiled waving him to come down.

"Morning Papa," avi said cheerfully.

Gulf smiled and decided to walks down the stairs with one hand over his belly and another holding the railings. It's the first week of his 9th month. His belly is grown well that he could not see his feet at all.

He stepped down 2 stairs before he felt himself lift into the air.

"Heyyyy..."  Gulf gasped in shock clutching onto the person who lifted him in a bridal style which is none other than his husband.

"I told you not to walk down the stairs by yourself. Why are so careless? Huh?" Mew scolded his husband as he carried him downstairs.

Gulf did not say anything except rolling his eyes but held mew tight with his hands around his neck.

"I thought you were taking a shower. "
Gulf asked when they finally reached the bottom of the stairs. 

"So you thought it's a good time to experiments with walking downstairs by yourself,"  mew asked, sounding like he is scolding a little kid.

Gulf shook his head not wanting to argue with it.

Mew finally put him down, more like sat him down on the chair at the table, and pecked his lips before walked to Avi.

"Morning kiddo,"  mew said kissing avi curls before ruffling them. Then he hugged his mom who sat beside avi greeting her good morning.

"How do the pancakes taste?" Raina asked once all of them settled down and started eating.

"They are delicious," Gulf said followed by approvals from mew and avi.

"But I still feel bad about making you work, aunt. too. " Gulf said look at both of them.

"Silly boy, Who said cooking for the family is work. I am glad to stay here and take care of you all. Your due date is getting closer. You should be more careful. " Raina said looking at gulf with a motherly love.

"But...You are here keeping your work aside. I feel bad that you had to miss your work for me " Gulf spoke a little guilty. 

Raina chuckled at that.

"Well Nothing is more important than
my grandkid " Raina said.


"No Iam not leaving to work, " Mew said before gulf could say anything and resumed eating his breakfast.

"Can I not go to school too?" Avi asked cheekily looking from under his eyelashes, acting cute.

"No" Both mew and gulf said at a time making Raina chuckle.

"But I want to take care of papa too. " Avi pouted.

"You sure do," Mew said sarcastically adding another pancake to his son's plate.

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