chpter 18 - part2

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"Is it gonna take a long time?" Mew asked as he parked the car at the school's parking lot.

"I am not sure. " Gulf replied getting down the car and started walking.

Mew locked the car quickly and caught up beside gulf as he took the other man's hand into his.

"What do you wanna eat for lunch?" Mew asked as they walked towards the principal's office.

"We just ate breakfast before driving out of the house " Gulf reminded him rolling his eyes.

"Why are acting so nervous? " Gulf asked bumping his shoulders with mew.

"I don't know. I am too happy recently. I feel like I don't deserve this. You even listened to me right after I asked you to quit school for few months. It's like everything gonna fall off once I look away" Mew mumbled.

"Stop thinking like that. Where is that all even coming from?" Gulf asked attentively clearly sensing the distress in mew tone.

"Nothing. Just some random thoughts.." Mew brushed off quickly before gulf could dig deep.

Even though gulf stopped asking more for now. He reminded himself to talk about it when they get home.

"Hello, Mr.Gulf. What are you doing here?" I teacher sitting at the table in front of the principal's office.

"Well...It's quite sudden but I am here to apply for long leave " Gulf replied.

"How long?" The female teacher asked surprised to hear it.

"Around 6 months or a year if possible." Gulf said surprising both mew and the female teacher.

As per what they talked about at the house. Gulf was going for taking leave for about 3-4 months, not 1 year. But mew was happy nevertheless. This way they can take care of the newborn baby. He aspired gulf would stick around with him for good. He did not spend a day without praying to God about the gulf staying with him forever.

"Woah. I was not expecting that. " The female teacher said sounding genuinely surprised.

Gulf just gave her a smile looking at mew from the corner of his eyes and smiled, even more, when he saw the surprised look on mew.

"Can I ask you for the reason if you don't mind?" She asked.

"It's okay. I don't mind. We are having a baby coming in 3 months. " Gulf answered.

"Omg! Congratulations. " the female cheered happily.

They were all colleagues for almost 8 years. Even though they never had a friendship outside the school. They still have a good relation. Relation enough to be happy for gulf for having a baby.

Gulf smiled at her mouthing thank you. Mew felt happy at heart as he saw the scene go. He put his arm around his lover as the other man leaned into him happily.

"Oh..who is this man? I never saw him before. Boyfriend?" The female teacher asked still smiling.

" Someone special" Gulf replied throwing a wink playfully.

The female teacher burst out laughing. Mew's heart skipped a beat at that.

I am someone special to him. Damn, if he knows how special he is to me. Mew said in his heart.

Both teachers talked for few minutes until 2 students walked out of the principal's room allowing gulf to enter next.

"I will be back soon. " Gulf pecked mew cheek before walking into the principal office.

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