Chapter 13 : Deserve you

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Mew stirred under the covers, pulling them up to his chin. He had never slept this well in the last few years. His eyes declined to open up, so does his brain.

He is hearing sounds from somewhere. But he could not understand what exactly that sounds are. As he began waking up from his deep sleep, the sounds become more clearer so does his brain. Just before he sat up in the bed rubbing his eyes, yawing in the process, someone opened the door of that room. It's gulf.

It took him few seconds of staring at gulf to process what is happening.

"Shit!"  Mew cursed, catching his head feeling pain at the back of his head. He felt like someone drilling his head cruelly.

"Here. Take this pill" Gulf said walking towards the bed.

Mew looked up with his hands still catching his head tightly, as it would explode once he let it go. He muttered a little thank you before taking the pill not even bother to ask whats that pill is. He just wanted the pain to go away.

He closed his eyes and leaned his back into the wall, wincing at the pain in his head that came back at his movement.

He heard gulf walking away but did not open his eyes. He just doesn't know what to do once he opens them. He never wants to open them again.

"Here.Your clothes. I washed them." Mew opened his eyes hearing gulf voice. He did not hear him walking in.

Mew looked up to see gulf standing there with folded clothes in his hands.  Gulf looked fresh.  Like he had a bubble bath and put on comfy sweats ready to spend the day just lying around watching some movies. 

All he wanted to do right now is just snuggle with gulf and spent the day doing nothing. His heart ached at that thought.

Can I get do those things with him in this lifetime again?

I would be ready to die the next day if I could spend a day with him again as we used to in the past. Just cuddle all day and watch some movies forgetting about the world.

"Hey.."  Gulf called softly seeing that look on mew. It's like he is not here anymore. He looked vulnerable. Gulf heart troubled by looking at mew like that.

"Oh..yeah. " mew cleared his throat and took the clothes from his hands. He felt the pain in his head decreasing a little by little.

Mew face went pale as he lifted the cover from his body to find himself naked. His head was hurting so much that he forgot he was naked.

He turned his head to look at gulf with a pale face to find the other one stand there with a red face.

"Gulf- "

"Umm...You can use the bathroom. I will be waiting downstairs " Gulf walked away not giving mew a chance to speak.

Mew took a shower with the scenes of last night playing in his head. He is not sure how to feel at that moment. He was happy. He is.  He made love with gulf after 8 years. Gulf allowed him. He did not push him away. He kissed him back. He slept cuddling him all night. His stomach did a little flip as he remembered last night, he is getting butterflies. It felt like he was back in college once again. Fell in love for the first time. He smiled at that thought.

Then the shower turned off. Reality rushed back.

Fuck. Does he hate me more now? Oh my God, did I made it worse?

He hit his forehead with his fist as his heart raced against his ribs. A lump formed in his throat.  He got out of the shower and got dressed.

He saw the last few buttons of his shirt are broken. He just tucked it inside the pants and got over with it.

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