chapter 9 : Someone To stay

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At Gulf's house.

"Papa. I'm sorry." Avi said looking at gulf who is walking back and forth in the living room with a deep frown on his face. 

"I won't fight with anyone. " Avi mumbled in a low voice watching gulf walking around grumbling under his breath unconsciously.

Avi was looking at gulf expecting some reply. But he got none.

"Papa!" He shouted making gulf stop walking and down out of his thoughts

"Don't use that tone on me, You little...Have you forgotten about your punishment " Gulf said in a dad-tone

"I am sorry. " Avi said again making puppy faces with tears in his eyes.

Gulf sighed.

"What are you even fighting for?" Gulf asked walking to avi. He then sat beside Avi.

"That fellow...He said...Thats stupid fellow..." Avi said moving his finger like he was snapping someone.

"Avi " Gulf called in a warning tone.

"He said my dads don't love each other. He said we are not a family. How is that true! "  Avi examined.

"He is lying. He said so many stupid things. I got angry and pushed him. " avi huffed in annoyance but clicked his tongue realizing gulf is watching him.

He quickly put on the puppy face turning to his papa.

"I am sorry, Papa. Please don't punish me.." Avi said stretching his lips into a weak pout.

Gulf did not answer.

"I just want to live with both of you as all my friends do with their parents in one house," Avi mumbled sadly.

Gulf sighed looking at his sad son.

"You should hurt others physically no matter what the situation is. If you make violence, people will think you are a bad guy. And you know what happens to bad people?". Gulf asked talking Avi near him.

"What?" Avi asked.

"Bad people will be sent to Jail by police. " Gulf explained.

"You should not hurt people physically for whatever they do to you. Because if you do that, whatever the situation is. People will think you the bad one because you hurt them physically. If you do that when you grown-up...You will end up in jail. " Gulf said with a frown not liking that idea.

"I won't hurt anyone from now. But what if they try to hurt me first " Avi asked with wide eyes

"Then...You can too, I guess. That's self-defense. You should not let anyone hurt you.  " Gulf explained.

"Just like how dad did," Avi said nodding to himself.

"Hmm...Wait! What?" Gulf asked attentively.

"That ugly uncle tried to hit me because I said he is ugly. I am not even lying. he was and he also said- "  Avi started rambled.

"Wait wait. Hold on a second. Who is this ugly uncle?" Gulf asked

"That one standing with us when you came. " Avi said like it was obvious.

"Why are calling him-  I mean, he is ugly. But how did you meet him?"  Gulf asked feeling happy that his son shares the same opinion as him when it comes to Rohit.

"I met him just today. He stopped me &dada and started talking about something. I did not understand. Papa...You know what? " Avi said curiously making gulf nod to continue.

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