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(2021 Update) Author's Notes:

It just struck me that there may be confusion on the pronunciation of the many characters of The Lady's Butler. I am here to clarify, and provide as much guidance as possible in the pronunciation (at least how I intended for them to be).

Reyes ("Ray-s") Family

Kyrano - Ky ("k-eye") rano ("ruh-no")

Kyrone (Kyrano's father) - Ky ("k-eye") rone ("r-own")

Karima (Kyrano's mother) - Ka("kuh") rima ("reemah")

Kiran (Kyrano's grandfather) - Ki ("Kee") ran ("run")

Kyra (Kyrano's sister) - Ky ("k-eye") ra ("ruh")

Keyron - Key("Kee") ron ("r-earn")

Kiera (Keyron's wife) - Kie ("k-ear") ra ("ruh")

Kylar (Keyron's son) - Ky ("k-eye") lar ("luh")

Kyvan (Keyon's son) - Ky ("k-eye") van ("v-earn")

Crawford ("Cr-aw-ford") + Greaves ("Gr- eve-s") Household

I don't think I need to explain how to pronounce Brandon and Oscar... I think they are quite common names?

Luca (Louise's Father) - Lu ("Loo") ca ("kuh")

Louise - Lo ("Loo") uise ("ee-s")

Maiko (Oscar's Butler) - Ma ("muh") iko ("eeko")

Kaylen (Louise and Brandon's daughter) - Kay ("k-ay") len ("l-earn")

Kyren (Louise and Brandon's son) - Ky ("k-eye") ren ("r-earn") 

In case it was not obvious enough, Louise named her son Kyren as a combination of Kyrano and Keyron's name. Afterwards, Brandon was given the privilege of deciding his daughter's name independently just to even things out between the couple; hence the name Kaylen.

Yes, Kaylen is an upcoming new character. I am currently in the midst (at an extremely slow pace) of writing and editing a sequel story to The Lady's Butler. In short, it is a coming-of-age story that focuses more on the growth of Kyren Greaves-Crawford as he learns the truth about Kyrano and the sacrifices his uncle took to make his reality. And yes, Kyrano makes his re-appearance in this sequel story.

As always, feel free to drop a comment/message to discuss your feelings and your thoughts or anything you might wish to clarify in relation to The Lady's Butler! While votes are appreciated to help this story reach a wider audience, I do place more value on reader's thoughts, concerns and feelings on all that I have written.

Stay happy, healthy and invested in reading.


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