Moving On {Part 3}

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(Part 3)

"Papa, you're back!" The elated screams met the tired man when he stepped into his small comfortable house, glad that the little heaven on Earth that was his home also housed the little angels of his life as well.

"Boys." He greeted their hug with one of his as well –knowing that if he didn't squat down to meet their run, they would just coming jumping at him, tackling him to the floor with their combined weight. "Have the two of you been behaving well? Did you make your Mama angry today?"

"We did not!" His sons answered in unison.

"We were very good, and we helped Mama bake cookies for Young Master Kyren."

"Did you now?" Keyron answered with surprise at the proud declaration made by his eldest son.

"Yes, and we cleaned up! Mama says that we're going to be good butlers in the future!" This time it was the younger one who answered as Keyron pat the heads of both his sons in unison.

"Kylar, Kyvan, let your poor Papa come into the house properly. He must have had a tiring day." The mother of his twin sons appeared in the doorway from the kitchen, dressed up in her pretty pink apron with a mixing bowl in her arms as she smiled at the loving father-son reunion at the door.

Keyron smiled back in loving greeting as well, letting his sons go as he took off his butler's coat, hanging it by the door.

"How were the boys today?" He asked his wife lovingly, following her into the kitchen where she was in the midst of preparing dinner. Keyron could easily smell the aroma of cookies in the air.

"Behaving well. How was your day?" Kiera Reyes asked, receiving a kiss of greeting on her cheek from her husband.

"Same. Kyren is as mischevious as his father, and Miss Louise is going to go bonkers dealing with him."

Kiera's laugh at his one-statement summary of his day made Keyron glow.

"She must be regretting having Kyren. Like how I'm regretting having Kylar and Kyvan." Keyron's beloved teased, doing her best to ignore the arms snaking around her waist even while she did her best to concentrating on cutting the carrot in preparation for the meal.

"Don't say that." Keyron nosed his wife's neck, breathing her in. "Our boys are angels."

"Only if you come back to find them waiting for you every weekend." Kiera answered.

"It could be worse." Keyron reminded his wife. "In my father's time, he only got to go back home after months. Sometimes, even up to a year. Can you imagine that?"

"From what I heard about Kyrone Reyes before I met you; yes. But now that I've met you, I cannot imagine you being away from our young ones for more than a fortnight." Keyron's wife answered knowingly, and supposed that she was right when her husband made a sound of content, still pressing their bodies together.

"You can't blame me for loving our angels." Keyron answered with a whisper in his wife's ear, feeling his wife shiver a little at the sensation. "Would you like to make me another tonight? I little girl Reyes would be nice for addition."

"Mr Keyron Reyes, I am not a production line." Kiera answered, resting her knife then using her free hand to tap her husband on the head gently. "Before you think about adding one more on the dinner table, you'd better go check on the boys. They're too quiet, and I never like them quiet."

"They're just being obedient." Keyron suggested, though he had unwrapped his arms around his wife, moving towards the living area where he had left the two kids.

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