A Girl's Love Arc {Part 4}

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(Part 4)

"Thank goodness that this place isn't closed." Louis expressed as they neared the front gates that were wide open, a crowd teeming on the other side.

"Yes, Miss Louise," Kyrano reported as he held on tight to his little sister's hand despite Kyra's bubbling excitement that everyone in attendance could feel. "It was rather fortunate that you had some last-minute work to do, or we might have ended up in a difficult situation."

"Who would have thought that some knife-wielding psycho would go to an aquarium to wreck revenge? Of all places; an aquarium?" Keyron followed up easily, frowning in confusion. It certainly didn't sit well with Kyrano, because according to the news report that he had checked while they were on the car from the school to the update destination of the amusement park, the mentally-addled man who had gone crazy in the aquarium that Louise had been planning to go to had been trying to wreak revenge on the Crawford Household.

Had Louise not ben luckily delayed by some last-minute Student Council duties, she would definitely have been caught in the mess in the aquarium. Kyrano was not sure if it was a simple coincidence, or if someone had been planning something. After all, his little sister had been so happy when Louise and Brandon had promised to bring her to the aquarium with her brothers that Kyra had gone around telling everyone she saw –which meant that the outing towards the aquarium had been a school-wide news.

Was someone trying to take the chance to get rid of Louise or Brandon?

"Crazy people don't generally choose when and where they go crazy, Keyron." Brandon answered his butler's rhetorical question, keeping pace easily with his fiancée. Kyrano did his best to ignore how the man had very casually –very normally –come up and taken Louise's hand in his. The fact that his mistress had not tried to shake her fiancé's hand away spoke for how much the woman was warming up to him.

"If I could, I would choose the most public place I can find. And I'll do it when you're around so that you will be so embarrassed that you will never want to see anyone ever again." Keyron teased as Kyrano suppressed a hint of irritation.

"Keyron." He said sternly. "Watch what you say to your master, no matter how close you are to him."

"Yeah, Second Brother!" Kyra piped up, and it somehow managed to lift Kyrano's darkening spirit to see his sister with a mock face of severity. Kyra was not brought up like him to be a butler, but the young girl definitely understood her family's position in society and reality. She knew that she came from a family that boasted world-class butlers like her father and brother, and she knew that she had to keep that up. "You must respect your master and be polite at all times. Your master's words are your orders, and you must not think to go crazy in public, because it will ruin your master's reputation! Your face is Mr Brandon's face, and so you must be in your perfect behaviour in front of others, Second Brother."

Kyrano suppressed a proud smile at his sister's strong words –the very same words that had been taught an inculcated into him by his parents, his teachers in the Imperial Butler Academy, and everywhere else. Kyra was in the making to be a fine young lady, but she knew her place –that she would never rise to the league of her brother's mistress. Kyra was subservient to the higher-ranks, and Kyrano was glad that her sister was not too ambitious.

"Won't you look at that?" Brandon grinned at the chagrined expression that hung now on his butler's face. "Are you very sure that in your blood runs the same family lineage as these two, Keyron? Perhaps you were mistakenly taken from the dumpster and grew up to look coincidentally like Kyrano."

"Perhaps." Keyron answered. "But will you imagine me ever chanting the rules of butler hood to you? I fear you will be the one to go crazy if I did."

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