The Proposal Arc {Part 3}

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(Part 3)

"Miss Louise," Kyrano finally spoke up, unable to take the irritancy that was boiling deep inside of him. His aim of remaining silent and relegating his negative emotions to the backseat seemed to be failing badly, and yet he could not help his own fall into that pit of ugly emotions. "Why do you constantly cater to Mr Brandon's incessant whims?"

There was a soft sound of surprise coming from the woman, but it was quickly covered up as she cleared her throat.

"What do you mean by that, Kyrano?" She clarified, a stack of books in her hand as they walked down the empty corridor towards the staff room.

"Why are you entertaining Mr Brandon in his unbecoming conduct as an heir?"

"What are you talking about? Are you listening to yourself?" Louise's surprise was easy to hear, but Kyrano was too disturbed to even make anything out of her tone. He had been putting up with the man for a few months now, but it was becoming apparent that the man had every intention to stay by his mistress's side and make her obey his every whim.

In fact, were they not walking towards the staff room to hand in Brandon's late homework because of his own laziness? Why were they handing up his homework for his sake when Keyron had been standing there, perfectly healthy and well?

"It irritates me to no end that he is asking for you to run errands for him, Miss Louise. It is as if you are his slave." Kyrano answered, not exactly understanding the sudden force that seemed to have suddenly come behind his tone. It was as if he was somehow reacting to his mistress's shock at him, but it was the first time it had happened.

"You say that I am a slave, Kyrano?" Louise had stopped walking in her horror, staring at her butler who stood one step before her, looking utterly irritated. "Have you taken the wrong medicine today morning?"

"I have been burning this question in my mind since long, Miss Louise!" Kyrano protested hotly, not sure why he was feeling such force of indignance himself. "Why is it that you pander to his whim like Keyron does?"

"I pander to Brandon?" The force of his mistress's shock gave a soft shriek. "What do you think of me as?"

"I no longer know what to think." Kyrano answered, looking at the woman who stood before him. Was this the same woman that he had been serving the past fourteen years? Was this the Louise that he knew –the powerful woman who catered to no one except herself? "I used to believe that the woman I served to be powerful and singular in her mind. Now, I don't know what to believe of this Louise that I see, carrying Mr Brandon's homework."

"Whoa, whoa! If helping me hand up my homework is so important that the two of you have to stop arguing, then it's totally fine! I'll do it by myself!" The interruption of the argument came in the form of the man in topic himself, along with his butler who seemed to observing the situation with intelligent blue eyes.

Turning his face away, shameful at having been caught in an argument with his mistress, Kyrano bit his bottom lip to refrain from saying something rude to the man who had now run to reach their side.

"I'm sorry that I asked something so stupid of you. You, after all, are the Rose. I can't expect you to be helping me in small chores like this. Kyrano is right; I'm sorry." Brandon apologised sheepishly, but Kyrano got the sense that the woman's eyes weren't on the newcomer, but on him and his averted gaze.

"No." The answer was cold, and Kyrano was rather sure that his mistress was speaking towards him instead. "I agreed to help you out, Brandon, and I will. Regardless of what he thinks about my pandering to you."

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