Love Affair Arc {Part 1}

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(Love Affair)

(Part 1)

"Kyrano!" The call of his name surprised him, and the butler paused in mid-stride, turning around to see the young lady running towards him, holding up the ends of her dress daintily to facilitate the movement. "Let me take those."

In politeness, Kyrano bowed to the lady of higher standing in greeting, but straightened to shake his head afterwards with a gentle expression to show that he meant no insult.

"Miss Rowena, I thank you for your kind offer, but I cannot let a lady do such a petty chore in a butler's place." Kyrano answered, keeping good hold of the thick files in his hands. He had only just recently been allowed to go for the surgery that would repair his shoulders, and though he was still in the recovery process, Kyrano still very much hoped that it was already healed. There were so many things that he was now not allowed –by order of his own mistress –to do. For example, he was no longer allowed to carry heavier items in Louise's sake, and was not allowed to engage to activities that could potentially strain his shoulder -in particular, further duelling.

"You are still recovering from the injury. You need to take care of it!" Rowena argued, and Kyrano briefly met the apologetic eyes of Rowena's butler Scott –the one who had been the trigger of Kyrano's shoulder injury.

"I am fine now after surgery, Miss Rowena. Thank you for your concern, but I would feel utterly useless as a butler if I were not allowed to do even such a simple chore for Miss Louise." Kyrano answered respectfully.

"Pardon my intrusion into the conversation," Scott finally put in politely –the first few times that Kyrano seemed to see the butler speaking when he wasn't addressed, "but I am fine and healthy. Please allow me to carry the files in your sake, Butler Kyrano, for Miss Rowena is heading towards the student council room as well."

"Yes, yes, let Scott take the files if you don't want me to help." Rowena emphasized eagerly, the intent clear in her eyes –as long as anything she could help with Kyrano, she would.

"Very well, if you insist." Kyrano answered after short thought, passing over the files to the awaiting butler. He hoped neither of them saw how much his right hand shook uncontrollably after they were free from their load, because the pain had –in actual fact- been there the whole time.

"Is Louise planning the programmes for the graduation ceremony?" Rowena asked conversationally as they fell in step with each other –Kyrano hanging slightly behind the lady to show his manners.

"Yes. She will address the Council in the near future once she has the itinerary for the ceremony set." Kyrano reported, for Rowena had been appointed the new Head of Public Affairs. The initial hatred against the Rose of the Council was entirely gone now as Rowena worked hard to gain recognition for her own abilities.

One thing hadn't changed though; Rowena's eyes were still very much set on Kyrano. The only difference now was that Rowena understood that the Kyrano that she admired and used to desire to possess would crumble apart immediately if there was no Louise Crawford. Rowena finally comprehended the reinforcement that the Rose of the Academy and the Butler in Black did to each other. They were each other's strength, and without one, it was useless to possess the other.

"She suffered a fall in grades in her recent Calculus Test." Rowena mentioned, as if on hindsight. "Is she coping well?"

"There are many school events coming up towards the end of the year." Kyrano answered. "Miss Louise is packed, and her studies have temporarily been affected. However, I have faith that she will find the appropriate time for her personal revision so as to ensure her position in the academy."

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