Love Affair Arc {Part 7}

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(Part 7)

"Miss Louise, I honestly advise you against this. You have better things than to spend your time like this." Kyrano spoke worriedly, but it was of little use, for they were already in a cab, on the way to their destination.

"Instead of wasting your saliva," Louise started, adjusting her hat impatiently, "how about you tell us how far away we still are?"

"If you're tired, Miss Louise, I can get the cab driver to turn around-" Kyrano quickly jumped onto his mistress's words –basically anything that could potentially motivate her to change her recourse. Then again, he should know better, for his mistress was known to be a stubborn woman whenever her mind was set.

"I'm not going anywhere else and that's that, Kyrano. Don't make me repeat myself." Louise spoke with finality in her tone, not turning to look at the lost-boy expression that Kyrano was showing. The young man rarely showed such expression, but she had begun to realize that her butler was more human when it came to his family. But of course; she wouldn't have expected anything else.

While his work required for him to be a heartless and emotionless man, he must definitely find his recharge within his family. It was the only way, after all, that Kyrano still survived in this world.

"But the place is quite shabby and undignified for you, Miss Louise."

"There is no place related to you that is undignified for me, Kyrano. If the Head Butler of the Crawford family could accept it, then it must be dignified enough for the family of Crawford." Once more, the tone silenced the lost butler, and he remained looking desperately outside the window, as the cab soon left the bustling town to a relatively quieter countryside.

Louise offered no more words as well while both of them watched the scenery fly past outside the window. The protests that Kyrano tried to find lost themselves quickly as he sighed internally, giving up the fight with his mistress's obviously adamant self.

He could not deny; even though he had been trying to protest against her course of action, a small part of him had looked forward to it. It was almost too long since he last went back. He had missed them terribly –but only in his personal, private moments. Of course, as a butler he was not allowed to think of them during his work, but he was still human after all.

Kyrano finally seemed to understand why the father that returned home from work when he was younger was so much more expressive than the Kyrone that went out back to the Crawfords to work. The house was their emotional touchstone, after all. The inhabitants there was their battery, always waiting for them to come back to its warm welcoming doors, to recharge. Kyrano remembered walking back with Kyrone before his father passed on, the both of them silently, but steadily changing back to their human self as they walked.

Now he was coming back, not with his father, but with his mistress.

"Do I turn in here, sir?" His soft reverie was broken with the polite question posed by the cab driver as Kyrano blinked to find familiar grounds.

"Just a little further down. You can drop us by the road." Kyrano tasked, receiving a polite acknowledgement as he waited for the cab to slow to a stop.

"We are close by, Miss Louise. The rest of the way has to be traversed." Kyrano informed as he paid quickly for the fare, rounding the cab to open the door for his mistress quickly. It was no place to open the door for his mistress, but Kyrano found that he no longer had the say in such things anymore as he watched his mistress step out, hair and dress breezing softly in the wind. His lady had asked him to fix the most appropriate attire for her, and he was glad that he had chosen a demure one-piece dress for her with simple and practical walking shoes.

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