Part 1

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(Part 1)

7 Years Later

It is 5 am –much earlier before sunrise. Kyrano turns off his alarm before it can ring, getting out of bed in an almost-mechanized movement that he was used to. In an instant, the day's plan rush through his head as he decided quickly on what he needed to complete and achieve by the next day. Breezing through his own wash-up and breakfast, Kyrano was cleaning his room by 5.30am, making sure that every area was free of dust, and that everything was where it should be.

Kyrano had not brought much personal effects into his own room in the Rose Dormitory, and that speeded up the process of cleaning effectively, leaving him done by 5.45am. Quickly and quietly, as he had learnt to do over the years, Kyrano slipped into his lady's room next, to wipe the surfaces, right the decorations that were out of place, swept the floor.

It was job that had set into his instincts since Day 1 of moving into Rose Dormitory, and muscle memory set in place while his mind sped off to consider the daily activities planned out for his lady.

His lady's day was not about to be eventful, but enough to fill her whole day. She would first attend school until 3 in the afternoon, after which she would attend the Student Council Meeting as the Council President. Dinner would be served at 6.30pm in the Main Communal Hall in full formal dinner dress, and then his lady would be at the Music Club before returning back to the room for self-study.

Kyrano had the two rooms cleaned by 6.10am, and immediately went onwards to placing his mistress's uniform neatly on the dressing table beside the full-length mirror, brushing it down quickly. Setting everything in place to receive his young mistress, Kyrano proceeded with a simple fare for breakfast for the day by 6.30am, the plating and table set by 6.55am. Kyrano checked his watch one more time to make sure that he was on time and target before he let his footsteps begin to click on the floor as he walked towards the bed, where his mistress slept in peacefully.

"Miss Louise," he called softly, knowing to keep a respectable distance away. "It's time to wake up."

True to a lady, his young mistress did not take much calling to wake up obediently, intelligent blue eyes meeting the world clearly. The lady did not stretch lazily but merely got out of bed with measured haste. Kyrano helped his mistress with her bedroom covers, then escorted her to the adjourning bathroom, where everything had been laid out carefully for her.

No words were exchanged between the two through the whole proceeding, but Kyrano would not have it any other way as he returned to making the bed. Making sure that his young mistress wouldn't be coming out anytime soon, Kyrano slipped outside quickly to collect the day's paper –for it was important for his mistress to keep updated with the world despite being holed up in the school.

At the sound of taps turning off, Kyrano picked up the dress of the uniform of St. Clair's Academy for Ladies and made for the door. There was no reservations between the two as Louise walked out in only her undergarments, making towards her awaiting butler.

Even as Kyrano dressed his mistress in with his utmost meticulousness, he made silent notes on the physical changes of his lady, making a mental note to go shopping for new undergarments. Miss Louise was might be approaching the end of her puberty years, but she was still growing full breasts.

"Breakfast today is a simple fare, Miss Louise." Kyrano finally speaks to his mistress softly, as he carefully tied the ribbon behind his mistress's back, making sure that it was secured and wouldn't come off the in middle of the day.

"I have seen it." The young lady replied, turning to the mirror to survey Kyrano's result briefly. It was the same crisp and neat appearance every single day, and Louise had not expected anything else from her faithful butler. "Why do you choose simple fare for your lady?"

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