The Promise Arc {Part 1}

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[The Promise Arc]

(Part 1)

Kyrano had been keeping tabs on them for some time now, and it seemed as if their support base was beginning to grow stronger by the days. It was initially simply a small fact to take note of in the past, but now it was steadily growing bigger and bigger, begging his attention. After all, he knew from experiences that such things were better off nipping it by the bud.

Miss Rowena, Yvette, Ashelia and Drina sat together at a round table during lunch time, exchanging serious talks paired with disgusted, contempt-filled expressions. It would normally lie low beneath Kyrano's senses, but he knew where those expressions were occasionally direct to, particularly when the ladies assumed him to not be watching. Their respective butlers were simply respecting their ladies' wishes, and Kyrano silently wondered if any of them had already tried to dissuade their young mistresses about the danger of whatever they were planning for.

"Kyrano." Louise's call of his name got him back to reality as he leaned closer to his mistress where she sat alone at the table, dining peacefully on his quickly-prepared lunch. It was western cuisine this time around, and it seemed as if his young lady had chosen to leave a polite portion out. His mistress was watching her weight well, for the school's sports meet was coming soon.

"Yes, Miss Louise?" Kyrano asked politely, much oblivious to the eyes of admiration flashed at the close master-servant relationship.

"Please invite Miss Rowena and her friends to the classroom once they are done with their meals." Louise daintily dabbed at her lips to clean off the last of the steak sauce, taking the soft pause in comfort. "It is time for us to address all that they have done and are planning to do."

"As you wish, Miss Louise." Kyrano bowed low once more, recognised that his mistress planned to make for the classroom alone, and got to his job. It was rare for the Butler in Black to ever part with the Rose of the Academy, but it was not something that never happened.

Eyes of interest followed the Butler in Black as he made his duteous walk towards the table, every step filled with the notion of a duty to fulfil. It was a figure that captured many hearts of the young ladies that studied in the Academy, a figure that made women jealous of all that the Rose of the Academy –the President –seemed to be casually ignoring and abusing.

Kyrano knew well of what the ladies' sentiments of his mistress were, as well as what their sentiments of him were. Though he felt it terribly unfair and undignified in place of his mistress, he knew Louise well. The Louise Crawford he knew would never be affected by such petty rumours, and Kyrano strove himself to be unaffected by these incessant chatters that would forever be sailing around the rooms.

Collective eyes of jealousy landed on the table where Kyrano stopped by, bowing low to the dignified ladies who sat at the table, their eyes beginning to fill up with honey at the sight of the Butler in Black –the only butler with the golden badge of honour –standing before them.

"Miss Rowena, Miss. Yvette, Miss Ashelia and Miss Drina, I humbly offer my afternoon greetings to you. My mistress has tasked me with the duty of inviting the four of you dignified ladies to meet with her in the classroom after your meals. Please do take your time and make less haste, for the next class shall not start until an hour later." Kyrano offered politely, bowed once more, met the eyes of each ladies' butler to make sure that they knew that something new had appeared on their lady's schedule, and then turned around.

"Wait, Kyrano." The voice that broke through the awed, stunned silence of the cafeteria belonged to Miss Rowena. "I'm not meeting Louise. Why do we have to meet her when she is the one who wants to talk to us?"

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