{ Cuddles }

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Top: Taehyung
Bottom: Jungkook
Theme: Fluff

• Summary •
"Taehyung, being ignored by his boyfriend as he was busy playing games with his friend, was craving some cuddles and attention."

Taehyung was laying on the bed, sulking as he heard his boyfriend play some game in their living room. Taehyung has been inside their room for almost 30 minutes already, sulking even more by the idea of Jungkook not noticing he left his side a long time ago.

The sulking boy finally decided to pull out his phone, calling his childhood friend to rant. He dialed the number, the sound of the phone ringing and being picked up making up for the suffocating silence inside the room.

"Hello?" The low voice now being heard.

"Hyung!!" Taehyung exclaimed, sitting down on the bed.

"What is it now?" A small chuckle being heard after asking the question, already taking the hint that Taehyung called him to rant about Jungkook again.

"Jungkook's playing his games again, but I want attention! He was so focused that he didn't even realize that I already left the living room!" Taehyung complained while his lips formed a pout.

"Stop complaining, you were the one who agreed to buy that game for him." He said, laughing slightly when he heard Taehyung whine.

"What was I supposed to do?! He was acting all cute and affectionate with me! And he promised that we'd go out for japchae and some ice cream." Taehyung replied, mumbling the last part, but in the other end of the line, being heard clearly by his friend.

"Taehyung-ah, it's not like it's Jungkook's fault for knowing how to bribe you." He laughed, getting the hint that Taehyung's brows were furrowed as his pout grows bigger.

"Namjoon hyung, that is not helping the situation." Taehyung commented, giggling slightly.

"Well-" Namjoon was cut off, another voice being heard on the other side of the line. "Well, Jin's calling me. Seems like he's being all whiney like you too." Namjoon laughed.

"Agh, just go and comfort your boyfriend. Don't have to tell me right in the face you're needed by your lover." Taehyung said, rolling his eyes playfully tho Namjoon couldn't see.

"Whatever, see ya."


"Oh and- hang in there a little longer, you know Jungkook loves you." Namjoon said before hanging up, not giving Taehyung time to reply, and the latter was a blushing mess because of the other's comment.

"He's right, Jungkook loves you." Taehyung whispered, inhaling and exhaling, building up his long lost courage before going down to the living room again. He saw Jungkook still fixated in his game, speaking from time to time as he talked with his friends about strategies on their play.

"Watch, behind you..... Nice!" He heard Jungkook say, pouting.

"Babyyyyy." Taehyung started, hoping to get Jungkook's attention, but was brought down when Jungkook didn't turn, the latter not being able to hear Taehyung's call, so he decided to approach Jungkook.

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