{ The New Professor: 3 }

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Top: Jungkook | older
Bottom: Taehyung | younger
Theme: Regular | angst
Requested by: vantae_jgk
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• Previously •

"Yeah sure. I'd like to try." Taehyung isn't a bookworm, he isn't a nerd either, but he also isn't one of those kids who never studies and asks the nerds to do their homework. He was interested in learning English too, but never got the chance to learn it more and understand properly. He also found it a good way to avoid their English professor while going home for a while, he was sure a different English professor will be there. No new teacher can be a tutor so early... Right?

It was the next day, Taehyung has arrived at school early, at around [ 7:15 AM ]. He was in the mood to go to school early today, which he didn't know why. It wasn't like he ALMOST ditched school yesterday. The one that hasn't showed up yet was Jimin, and it was [ 7:25 AM ] which was kind of unusual, that guy always comes early since he takes rides with Yoongi.

With that thought, Taehyung looked out of the window, the usual thing he does whenever he's inside this classroom. He felt a gaze on him, knowing it was his English professor since they were the only people in the room. He should be uncomfortable by the gaze, but he wasn't. Knowing someone was watching him and wouldn't end up getting beaten up anytime soon made him feel safe, it was a little wierd, who was there to beat him up anyways?

Taehynung never felt the strong gaze on him going away but he didn't react, he just looked outside the window to enjoy his "alone time" inside that room. Someone disturbed the peaceful silence tho, the door being harshly opened and loud footsteps went to Taehyung's desk. Taehyung looked up to see Jimin all sweaty and tired, grabbing Taehyung's arm and leading him out of the room. The younger was panicking, was he gonna die today?

"I'm sorry for being late, my alarm didn't wake me up." Jimin said, Taehyung could tell the blush that crept up Jimin's face making him raise his eyebrows. He wanted to know what REALLY happened for him to wake up so late, 'Mmm... With what I knew, Yoongi stayed at his place last night and...' Taehyung smirked, letting himself get dragged as he had an idea on what really happened for Jimin to be late.

They stopped at the library, Taehyung cursing at himself for forgetting that they were gonna attent English tutor later. They went to a teacher, both telling her what subject they wanted to attend to and being given a paper form, but both not reading it, instead going out of the room immediately after thanking the teacher and went to their class. Ahh, they might regret not reading that form while it's still early.


It was lunch time and both Taehyung and Jimin were silent. Jimin's mind was traveling into outer space while Taehyung's mind was busy imagining what happened between his best friend and Yoongi last night. I mean, imagining is weird but like, :>

"Hey Jimin." Taehyung called out making Jimin come back to reality, flinching slightly when the younger called his name, "Tell me... What really happened last night while Yoongi stayed at your place." Taehyung continued, and with those words, Jimin was already darker than a tomato, remembering the events of last night.

"I-I... We only wanted to watch a movie. We were in the l-living room all wrapped up in a blanket as we cuddled. I was on his l-lap as we watched. T-then there was suddenly this 18+ scene that showed up and Yoongi got turned on and we ended up fucking..." Jimin explained, hoping no one else heard aside from his friend.

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