{ Friend's Love }

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Top: Jungkook
Bottom: Taehyung
Theme: Regular (Imma call themes that aren't really smutty, fluffy and angsty Regular from now on.)

• Summary •
"Two best friends who act like a complete couple. What will happen if they told each other that they feel something different than the love of a friend?"

"Tiger?? Hey baby, it's time to wake up." Jungkook said to Taehyung. The other just whining before pulling the covers above him creating a tiny bump on the bed. Jungkook chuckling at the cute action.

"Taehyuunngg~ come onnn~" Jungkook said, sitting down on the edge of Tae's bed. Looking at the tiny bump Taehyung created with such loving eyes. If only he knew how Jungkook looked at him.

"Five more minutes!" Taehyung whined, closing his eyes again to try and fall asleep for 5 more minutes which will definitely be 5 more hours if no one will wake him up.

"Fine, I'll eat your breakfast." Jungkook said teasingly, snickering when Taehyung swiftly got up with eyes half closed, running to the bathroom to do his morning routine. Jungkook laughed, falling down on the bed with tears coming out of his eyes.

"Food always works on you huh?!" Jungkook shouted at Taehyung, hearing the other reply with a shut up making him laugh even more, clutching his stomach from the pain because of laughing too hard. After 3 minutes of laughing none stop, he felt a weight over him, looking up and saw Tae clinging onto him with a tiny pout.

"Awww, did I do thaaatt?? I'm sorry babyyy!" Jungkook said, booping Taehyung's nose before sitting up, taking a grip on Taehyung's waist so the other won't fall.

"You done getting ready baby Tiger?" Jungkook asked softly, earning a cute little nod from Tae. Jungkook nodding as a reply before standing up, carrying Tae with both his arms to go to the kitchen only to be met by the others staring at them.

"Stop staring." Jungkook giggled before sitting Taehyung down on one of the vacant seats, sitting right beside him.

"Sometimes I really do question if they're hiding that they're dating but is failing because they act more like a couple than some of these stupid shits." Jimin said while grabbing the plate of pancakes, setting one down on his own plate. The statement DEFINITELY NOT meant for his 2 boyfriends sitting beside him.

"Just eat your breakfast." Yoongi said, munching on his food. Nodding from time to time because it tastes good.

"I don't wanna be in this relationship anymore." Jimin said with a pout but Jin and Namjoon shook their heads a no.

"Like we're going to believe that. All of us knows that it's a part of your day to get daily kisses and cuddles from the both of them AND when you break up with them you're basically gonna be so pouty and moody because no one gave you your kisses and cuddles."

Jin said, acting like it was a normal thing to say, munching on his food as he remembered the time Jimin really broke up with the two, all of them shocked that the boy really took his words seriously. As the day went on, he started becoming more moody and pouty, not used to the new routine so he ended up dating Sope again. (Watch Jimin do this in real life istg-)

"Anyways, when are you two planning om dating someone?" Namjoon asked Taehyung and Jungkook who was busy talking to each other but caught up with Namjoon's sudden question.

"Not now hyung."(so later?) Both if them said in unison, going back to having their own life laughing and talking about whatever they were talking about.

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