{ A Sick Baby }

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Top: Taehyung
Bottom: Jungkook
Theme: Fluff... And yeah I'll make a smut soon for you naughty readers 😒😂

• Summary •
"Jungkook, who's currently sick is in need for Taehyung's attention."

Taehyung was currently doing some type of work on the study table inside their room, taking some glances here and there to check if Jungkook was alright because his baby has a fever.

Jungkook just spared Tae some glances, trying to focus on resting because his eyelids were so heavy and it felt like it wants to give up but whenever he closes his eyes he just couldn't seem to fall asleep and Taehyung sure didn't catch this.

"Hyungiiieee~" Jungkook whined grabbing the older's attention.

"Yes baby?" Taehyung asked softly, leaving all his work and sat beside Jungkook who laid down on the bed.

"I-I can't sleep." Jungkook softly said, feeling bad since he disturbed Taehyung's work. Taehyung suddenly stood up making Jungkook confused, the older fixing his things on the study table and went back to the bed, going under the covers and laying down beside Jungkook.

"What are you doing hyung?" Jungkook softly questioned the other's actions.

"Sleeping with you. Since you can't seem to fall asleep and I'm also quite tired." Taehyung said with a warm smile on his face while caressing the younger's cheeks.

"Thank you hyungie~" Jungkook said and placed a small peck on Tae's cheeks.

"No problem baby, now let's sleep. I'll continue my work another time." Taehyung said still with a warm smile plastered on his face as he kissed his baby's forehead and wrapped his around the other's waist.

"Goodnight baby, I love you." Taehyung said softly but he didn't get a reply, he looked over at Jungkook and saw that he was already asleep. He smiled to himself and drifted off to sleep after a few minutes.

{ Time Skip: The Next Day }

Taehyung was sitting down in the living room watching TV. He finished his work now and he let Jungkook run around because he felt better after being sick for 3 days and kept whining and begging to play around the house.

Taehyung would look at Jungkook from time to time because he's hella worried, what if Jungkook slips, what if Jungkook trips, what if Jungkook hits the wall, what if Jungkook breaks something and hurts himself, what if Jungkook- okay he knows that's too much but his baby can be VERY clumsy and he didn't want Jungkook to be hurt.

"Baby! Be careful!" Tae yelled at Jungkook and the other just answered with a simple yep, still busy running around making Tae sigh as he looked back to watching TV.

A few minutes later Jungkook was in his sight, sitting on his lap with a pout and Taehyung has to admit, his baby was hella cute like that.

"Kookie is hungry." Jungkook said while burying his face on the other's neck.

"What do you wanna eat baby?" Taehyung asked, gently and softly playing with Jungkook's soft fluffy hair.

"Pizza!" Jungkook's head popped up and a bright smile plastered on his face.

"Alright baby, I'll call for pizza." Taehyung chuckled and grabbed his phone, calling for pizza delivery meanwhile Jungkook was back to running around the housei.

Taehyung sighed and chuckled. 'A sick baby who I had to take care for 3 days is now running around the house... God I love him so much.' Taehyung smiled as he thought about it, waiting for the pizza delivery.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Welp! There you go! I'm still trying yo figure out how I'll write so I'm sorry if the texts are different every page 😅 Also, I'm sorry if this was a short one.

For my smut, Idk if I should do a bottom Kook or a bottom Tae for it, please let me know your opinions 😊

Thank you for reading! I Purple You! 💜

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