{ A Fight With The Devil }

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Top: Taehyung
Bottom: Jungkook
Theme: Fluff (and angst :/)

• Summary •
"Don't let him take over you."

It was already 3 AM, sobs and gasps for air, whines and whimpers echoing through the walls. Jungkook continued crying, he woke up without Taehyung by his side, and he couldn't sleep because Taehyung wasn't by his side. This is the 3rd day he has spent his days without seeing Taehyung's face. At the first day he still understood that Taehyung's busy with work, but somehow, negative thoughts flooded his mind. Which he knows he shouldn't be thinking.

He trusts Tae with all his heart, he tried so hard to remind himself that Taehyung wouldn't do that, that his TaeTae hyung won't do such a thing. But no, the negative side just won't go away, and he's been crying for 5 hours now. His head hurts, his throat and his chest. Heart pounding as if it was about to burst from the pain, as if it just wants Jungkook's life to end so he wouldn't suffer from the tricky ups and downs of his life.

"N-no Jungkook. Don't t-think like that... T-Taehyungie would be m-m-mad!" Jungkook said to himself. Sobbing more to the thought of remembering how Taehyung would always say 'Taehyungie would be mad!' if he thinks or decides to do something both of them knows is wrong. What has gotten into him? Why is it like this? He could suddenly hear a faint voice echo in his mind making him look around with fear.

'Just continue your thoughts young man!'
'Taehyung doesn't want you anymore!'

"No.... Shut up..." Jungkook mumbled as more tears left his eyes.

'Open your eyes! It's clear what he's feeling about you!'
'Grab the knife! Bury it deep into your flesh and watch Taehyung look at you without care!'

"Shut up... Shut up..." Jungkook continue to mumble, trying to ignore the words. The words from the awful devil.

'Oh Jungkook, how stupid you are.'
'Just tiny little steps and a little stretch of your arms and you'll be able to grab the knife.'

"No.... Shut up!" Jungkook continued to mumble, eyes closed, tears streaming down endlessly on his cheeks as he breathed heavily. He then heard a voice, something that sounded like music unlike the scary echoing voice of the devil. It oh so faintly called his name, if you weren't focusing enough, you wouldn't be able to hear. It's like this angel is being held back.

'No Jungkook! Don't listen!'

Jungkook widened his eyes to hear the voice of his friend who's long gone. Park Jimin.


'Jungkook don't!'

It was the last thing Jungkook heard before the angel's voice was gone. Like it was forcedly sent back to where it should be watching.

'Just do it Jungkook!'

"No! Shut up! Just shut up!" Jungkook covered his ears as more sobs escaped his lips, eyes shut tight but the devil's words became louder. No matter how loud Jungkook sobbed, no matter how loud he screamed, no matter how hard he covered his ears, the scary voice was still heard loud and clear. Louder than ever.

'Do it Jungkook!'

"Shut up!!!" Jungkook screamed louder, hoping the voice would stop.

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