{ Heat: 1 }

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Top: Jungkook | older
Bottom: Taehyung | younger
Theme: Something in between-

• Summary •
"A hybrid in heat."
If you guys don't know what hybrids are, they are a mix of two things. They are like 2 different breeds of dogs, or 2 different breeds of cats, or if maybe a Cheetah and a Tiger made love and what came out is a mix of both. Or maybe a half animal, half human, if it was really possible. You can use Taehyung as reference from the picture above.

Additional: Most animal/human hybrids are domesticated, if you don't know what domesticated is, please go back to school. Lmao jk, no offense everyone ✌🏻 Animal/human hybrids are treated as pets, but at some points are also used as toys and satisfaction for sexual needs and desires.

{ I hope it helped :) Now to the story }

It was a beautiful morning. The chirping of birds and the sound of leaves crashing together as the breeze came by, the sun waking up, its sunlight peeking through the windows. Who wouldn't get relaxed to wake up to this beautiful morning?Everyone just wished it could last longer.

After a few hours, people will start filling the city with so much noise and forget that this morning even existed.


An alarm clock rang, followed by a groan of a young man as he tried multiple attempts to turn off the annoying sound. He sat up groaning, hair all over the place and pajamas wrinkly. Eyes half open as it examined the room, lips formed in a small pout. Let's just say his morning was more of annoying than calming :)

He blinked a few times, adjusting to the light before taking a quick glance at his clock that says [ 8:35 AM ]

The young man sighed before standing up. Doing stretches before entering the bathroom to do his business. After a few minutes he went out of the bathroom with wet hair and a towel around his waist, walking to his closet, grabbing his work clothes and putting them on.

He grabbed his bag and went downstairs, stopping at his front door to wear his shoes and he went outside, going to his car and entering it, driving to the café near his building.

~ At The Café ~

"Good morning Mr. Jeon, the usual?" A girl greeted as 'Mr. Jeon' entered and walked to the counter.

"Yes, the usual. And quit calling me Mr. Jeon Lisa." He said as a reply, chuckling lowly.

"Sorry Kook, you know I love to tease you." Lisa said as she typed in Jungkook's order and Jungkook payed, grabbing the receipt Lisa was handing him together with the drink.

"Thanks." Jungkook said with a smile as he walked to his usual spot, sitting down and enjoying his own peace of mind.

~ After 30 Minutes ~

"Bye guys! See you tomorrow!" Jungkook waved at the workers before walking out of the café, unlocking and entering his car before driving to his building.

When he arrived, he received multiple good mornings from his workers as he made his way to his office. As he walked inside his office, he immediately sat down on his chair and he started to do his work.

After an hour of stressful work, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." Jungkook said as his eyes were focused on his laptop screen, his office door opening, revealing Jungkook's assistant, Jimin.

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