{ Memories: 2 }

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Taehyung woke up. But... Why does it feel different? Why does it feel like it was the past? 'Don't be stupid Kim Taehyung, why will you be in the past?' Taehyung thought. He was inside someone's house and it looked awfully familiar. He then heard voices from the kitchen. Someone like a mother and her son having a talk?

"Please mom~ he has no where to stay! His parents abandoned him on the streets and we just found him outside the house! Let him stay heerreee~ pleeeaaassseee~."

Some young boy said, making puppy eyes to his mother.

"Please Mrs. Jeon!!! Let him stay over!"

Another young boy said. Taehyung, being the curious boy he is, walked over to the kitchen only to find 4 people and his eyes opened wide in shock.

'JIMIN HYUNG?! WHAT THE HECK IS THIS? WHY AM I HERE?! WHY IS MY YOUNGER SELF HERE?! WHAT THE HECK IS THIS?!' Taehyung thought, panicking. Welp, maybe he WAS in the past. Mrs. Jeon sighed. Looking at the three kids.

"Alright Jungkook, Jimin. He can stay here."

Mrs. Jeon smiled and the 3 boys cheered. Taehyung teared up a litte. He was confused and he questioned what the hell was happening just now, but he was happy people accepted him. Jungkook. The Jungkook he met on school was the one who accepted him.

"Come on Tae! Chim! Let's play outside!"

Jungkook cheered happily and they went running to the front door to play outside. 'I guess they can't see me.' Taehyung thought, he went outside with the 3 kids, he watched as they played happily. Time went by quickly, he watched everything that happened to him.

From the morning, to playing, to eating lunch, to watching tv, to eating dinner, and it was now bed time. He was inside which he guessed was Jungkook's room, and he just watched and listened to their conversation. Jimin had went home hours ago, but his house wasn't so far since his house was just beside Jungkook's.

"Thank you Jungkook for letting me stay here."

Taehyung smiled at his younger self. He felt relaxed right now. The surroundings weren't loud, it was dark and the moon was the only thing that lit up the room. It felt peaceful. Something he didn't felt in so long, and it was something he wanted to feel together with the one he loved.

"It's not a problem TaeTae. It's such a great feeling to help you."

Younger Jungkook smiled at younger Tae.

"Wow, TaeTae is such a cute and different name. Should I call you Kookie now?"

Young Tae asked young Jungkook, and they both giggled, young Jungkook nodding in the process.

"I LOVE Kookie. You should call me that. And I'll make sure you're the only one to call me that. If someone else would call me Kookie you have the rights to smack them!"

Young Jungkook said and they both laughed while Taehyung, who was watching in the distance just smiled while tearing up (again-).

'What happened? Why is it that all I could remember was the hard past I had to go through with my fake parents? Why can't I remember all of these good things that happened to me? All the happiness that Jungkook, Mrs. Jeon, Mr. Jeon and Jimin gave me while I was younger? Was it because of that crash that I saw that had made me lose memories and I ended up trusting my fake parents? Well I made such a big mistake then.'


Young Tae called, half asleep.


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