{ Heat: 2 }

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Top: Jungkook | older
Bottom: Taehyung | younger

• Summary •
"A hybrid in heat."

Taehyung was whimpering and whining on Jungkook's lap, the older kissing and marking his neck.

"K-Kookie~" Taehyung moaned, followed by a whimper. He started to slowly grind on Jungkook's lap making Jungkook groan.

"Agh Tae... We're doing this so suddenly even tho we've met only yesterday." Jungkook said and Taehyung suddenly stopped his actions making Jungkook stop and make a confused face.

"I-I'm sorry... I sh-shouldn't hav-" Taehyung got cut off with a sudden kiss on his lips. Such soft lips touching his, so loving and sweet, no roughness in it. Jungkook took a grip on Tae's waist while Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck, savoring the moment while it lasts.

Jungkook pulled away for the need of air, both of them panting as they locked their foreheads together, Jungkook looking straight at Taehyung's eyes with so much love and care.

"It's okay Tae... It's not your fault to have sexual needs in this time of the month."

"J-just say heat, it's embarrassing to know t-that- mph! T-that I do have... S-sexual needs." Taehyung said while grinding on Jungkook gently again. Jungkook gently smiled before kissing Tae again, bucking his hips up making Tae moan into the kiss, taking this as an opportunity to enter his tongue into Taehyung's hot cavern.

Tongues fighting for dominance, sloppy, wet sounds echoing through the walls. Totally forgetting they were in Jungkook's office. Taehyung released out small whimpers of pleasure when Jungkook slid his cold hands in his shirt, traveling his hands up and down Taehyung's body, soon finding its way to his pink buds, playing with them making Taehyung moan.

(I always cringe when I make my own smut, don't tell me you don't when you write your own-)

They pulled away from the kiss, a string of saliva still connecting the both of them. Taehyung looked at Jungkook with flushed cheeks and pretty hooded eyes, hair already sticking on his forehead as sweat dripped down them. Already looking like a mess when they have only began.

"Are you sure you wanna do this baby?" Jungkook asked gently while caressing Taehyung's cheeks. Taehyung leaning in on the hand, eyes closing as he breathed heavily, only giving a nod of approval as a response.

Jungkook smiled gently, kissing Taehyung's forehead as he started to strip the both of them, making sure to leave soft kisses on every part of Tae's body as he did. Taehyung only whimpered, wanting more friction. He started to slightly bounce up and down on Jungkook's hard on, but when Taehyung can continue, Jungkook already took a grip on his waist.

"Good boys wait baby." Jungkook said seductively, kissing Taehyung's neck as he pulled Taehyung's boxers off. Jungkook started to kiss Tae's collarbones, marking it, as his, distracting Tae from his hand that started to grip on Tae's hard member.

But when Tae felt the hands go up and down them, he threw his head back, already releasing loud moans on such a small action.

"Sensitive I see." Jungkook said with a smirk.

"I-it's my... F-first time doing this! W-what do- mmm~! You.... E-expect!" Taehyung managed to say, the hand on his member going up and down faster making whine and squirm, Jungkook's only smirking on Taehyung's skin as he continued to mark him.

"Well then... Thank you for letting me know. I'll make you feel so good." Jungkook whispered on Taehyung's ear, slightly nibbling them making Taehyung whimper. He was excited, he was participating on this unusual thing Jungkook was gonna do to him. He couldn't wait.

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