{ The Truth }

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Top: Jungkook | older
Bottom: Taehyung | younger
Theme: Regular | A Little Angst
Requested by: TaekookFanFictions1

• Summary •
"Jungkook who doesn't know the truth, who will he believe?"

It was again, another day of hell for Taehyung. He only entered the school entrance and he was already pushed to the wall harshly, getting grabbed by the collar and the other person being so close to his face with mad eyes. Taehyung wasn't scared... Or that's what he thinks to stay strong and not tear up here and there, though it really did hurt.

"What the fuck did I tell you yesterday?" The other spat out, his hand traveling to Taehyung's neck as he pressed hard, choking the life out of Taehyung.

"S-top.... I-I can't... B-b-breathe...." Taehyung said, tears daring to escape his eyes.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID I TELL YOU YESTERDAY?!" He said loudly, his grip on Taehyung's neck getting harder. The people on the hallway looking frightened by the sight, if he doesn't take his hands off Taehyung's neck, he could possibly die.

"T-t-to not talk to h-her anym-m-more!!!" Taehyung said, a tear escaping his eye as he choked on his words. He couldn't breathe, his sight was getting blurry. Jungkook... He wanted Jungkook... He needed him... But he can't... He can't tell Jungkook this is happening to him.

Just as he was about to say stop, the grip on his neck loosened as he fell to the ground. Coughing hard as he held his neck, sobbing hard. He wanted to be in Jungkook's arms, he wanted Jungkook to tell him that everything is okay as he rests on Jungkook's chest. Jungkook... all he thought about was Jungkook.

He looked around him, everyone was watching. He felt embarrassed, he felt weak, he felt so hopeless. He just couldn't do anything to fight back the pair of hands the always laid harshly on him every single day. What did he do wrong? Why was he so weak? Why, just why him?

He stood up with shaking legs, running to the bathroom. Looking at the mirror, he saw purple with the mixture of black on his neck. He broke down... He felt so hopeless, he felt his energy running out, no energy to hide every scar that marked his body. He sobbed, and sobbed, and sobbed. Not caring if he missed class.

• With Jungkook •

He sighed, finishing his final work then he could go home and be greeted by his wonderful boyfriend. Just as he was about to stand up from his chair, his phone rang. Checking the number, it was from Taehyung's teacher. 'What happened? Did something bad happen to Tae? I hope not.' Jungkook worried, not being called in Taehyung's school before. Answering the call, putting it on speaker mode.


"Yes? Is this Mr. Jeon? Taehyung's boyfriend?"

"Yes it is."

"Please come to school, I have to talk to you."

"Yes, I'll be there soon." Jungkook said, hanging up right after. Rushing to grab all his stuff and running out of the building, not caring if he couldn't eat lunch, not caring if the others stared at him, he needed to see Taehyung, he needed to know if he was okay.

Driving quickly to Taehyung's school, he kept worrying. There were a lot of possibilities that could happen to him. Jungkook was scared, he was worried. All he could think about was what happened to his baby.

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