{ Needs }

18.9K 271 184

Top: Taehyung
Bottom: Jungkook
Theme: Smut

• Summary •
"Kookie has needs but Tae realized it was something different than what he thought."

Jungkook woke up with an empty feeling beside him. He whined, not liking the feeling of Tae not beside him.

"Taeee?" Jungkook called out, slightly whining but there was no answer.

"TaeTae hyuuunnnggg!!!" Jungkook again called out but there was still no answer.

He whined, he needed Taehyung's touch, he wants Taehyung and his warmth. Where is he? He needs him... NOW! (damn Jungkook is a strict baby boy-)

He sat up on the bed even tho he didn't want to and went downstairs, seeing no one but himself every time he faces the mirror. How weird... He just went to the kitchen to grab snacks when...

"A NOTE FROM TAETAE!!!" Jungkook squealed in excitement, totally NOT missing Tae and needing to be in his arms.

Hey my pretty baby, I found out you'd be in the kitchen when you wake up and you won't see me so I'm leaving this here :> I went to the grocery store since we're running out of food. Don't worry, I'm buying you cookies and banana milk!!! I love you so much sweetie! xoxo

                 - TaeTae hyung <3

"Does he think he can make me forgive him when he leaves me here alone?" He said to himself, sulking a little even tho he knows he can't resist his hyung. Especially now that he's buying him cookies and banana milk :>

He just went to the living room and turned the TV on, watching some cartoons until his TaeTae hyung gets home, needing his cuddles and kisses and his d- uh... Ihih

After an hour of waiting, the front door opened revealing Taehyung who came home from the grocery store, both hands carrying bags that were filled with yummy food.

"Ooooohhhh! What's that hyungie?!" Jungkook asked the older excitedly, totally forgetting he was supposed to be "angry" at his hyung.

"Didn't you read my letter baby? I went out to buy groceries." Taehyung pointed out leaving Jungkook following him with an o shaped mouth. Remember the cookies and banana milk his hyung will buy for him.

"Did you eat breakfast already?" Taehyung asked while sorting the food he bought with Jungkook's help. Putting everything that needs to be in the fridge and putting everything that needs to be in the cabinets.

"Not yet. Waited for hyungie." Jungkook said while saving a bag of cookies and banana milk out for him to eat. Taehyung just smiled gently, loving and appreciating everything Jungkook does. Except when he's being "a bit" naughty that he needs a punishment ;)

"You're gonna eat cookies for breakfast?" Taehyung asked while turning around, wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist while pecking his lips softly. Jungkook just hummed as a response, looking at his hyung with those big doe eyes and a cute little pout, soon he rested his head on his hyung's chest, wrapping his arms around Tae.

"I can eat you too hyungie. I don't know, your choice." Jungkook said with a giggle, burying his head on his hyung's chest more.

'What's up with him today-' Taehyung thought, ahhh, he doesn't know what's coming doesn't he?


The couple was cuddling on their bed while watching movies on Netflix, they have nothing to do so why not? (Well, it's Tae that's thinking that they have been nothing to do ;] )

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