{ Stormy Night }

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Top: Jungkook
Bottom: Taehyung
Theme: Fluff

"Taehyung, being afraid of such loud thunder, couldn't fall asleep and Jungkook decided to help him out."


Again, a loud thunder was heard. It was raining very badly and the pouring couldn't seem to stop. The streets were dark and empty, the rain causing everyone such a hard time. Especially for Tae, who was under the blankets, shaking as tears streamed down his face none stop. Scared of what else could happen.

Meanwhile with Jungkook. He was just downstairs doing his work while his baby was 'sleeping' in their room. But he couldn't seem to focus on doing all these paper work when it was raining pretty badly and the thunder was so loud. He felt like he needed to go upstairs and go check up on Tae. And he did just that, leaving all his paper work and made sure his baby Tae was alright.


Another one.


Another one.


Jungkook rushed to their room and opened the door revealing the whimpering and whining Tae who was underneath the bed sheets, shaking so much making Jungkook feel so sorry for his baby.

"K-K-Kookie... I-I'm so so so s-s-scared"

Taehyung said as he continued to shake. Tears streaming down his face endlessly. "My poor baby", Jungkook thought, coming close to Tae, sitting on the edge of the bed, pulling Tae close to him, making sure to hold him just right.

"Everything's gonna be okay my baby. I'm sorry if I took long to come here. I'm very sorry. I love you so much petal."

Jungkook said as he kissed every part of Tae's face and continued whispering sweet things in his ear. Making sure to hold him close, letting Tae listen to his beating heart.

While Jungkook was doing all those things, Tae started to feel sleepy, the thunder and the rain being inaudible for him. He listened to Jungkook's heartbeat, focusing on Jungkook and him only, totally forgeting about the weather. His eyes closing slowly and he drifted off to dreamland.

Jungkook smiled at this, kissing Tae's forehead gently, laying him down on the bed and placed the covers above him. Jungkook was about to stand up and leave the room but he heard Tae call his name.

"K-Kookie... Please sleep with me again..."

Jungkook looked back at Tae, sighing. It has been a long time since they slept with each other, but Jungkook's work- "Ya know what, screw that, I'm sleeping with my baby." Jungkook thought and he smiled.

"Okay petal."

Jungkook went under the covers and layed down next to Tae. He wrapped his arms around Tae's waist and Tae wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck. Their bodies so close, not letting any air slip between them.

"Goodnight my petal."

"Goodnight Kookie."

And they drifted off to sleep slowly.

Hello my fellow readers! I'm so sorry if there were errors throughout the story, and sorry if this was short. This was just the first one shot and it's still a little bit of a trial for me. The other one shots will be more longer, I promise. Thanks for reading 😊

💜 I Purple You 💜

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