{ The New Professor: 2 }

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Top: Jungkook | older
Bottom: Taehyung | younger
Theme: Regular | angst
Requested by: vantae_jgk

• Previously •

"Bet! If he's married you give me 20 dollars, and if he's not I'll give you 20 dollars." Jimin explained while Taehyung sighed.

"Fine. I'm sure gonna get that 20 dollars."

"And what if you don't?"

"Then..... Fuck." Taehyung said.

It was the next day, Taehyung was getting dressed while looking at the mirror. He was spacing out... Thinking about the bet him and Jimin made last night. Was it a good idea? Probably not. Was it worth it? Well if he wins the bet then yes, but if he loses the bet then no. He seriously just couldn't believe he can lose 20 dollars just cause of a bet. A stupid one even.

He sighed while going out of the bathroom, grabbing his phone to check the time, [ 7:15 AM ] still early. He grabbed his bag that was on the bed and putting his phone in his pockets. He went out of the room and headed downstairs, wearing his shoes before going out of the house and locking the door.

'What should I have later for lunch?' Taehyung thought. He didn't have the appetite today which was kind of weird. He should just go to a café, buy coffee, buy some cookies for lunch and he should be set. Kind of hesitating at first because he might be hungry later, but shrugging it off, he started walking.


As soon as Taehyung walked inside the semi-large place, the sound of bells rang signaling that someone walked in, the strong scent of coffee hitting his nostrils as he walked to the counter.

Ordering Caramel Macchiato disguised as Iced Coffee to not make it look like he doesn't like bitter taste and some cookies. Paying for the meal(?) he went out drinking the cup filled with liquid as he walked to school peacefully.

He always liked mornings like this. It wasn't so noisy like how it is on the afternoons. How the sun still continues to rise as the fresh morning light hit his skin. Oh it was the best thing to ever experience in your life. Well....

Not if someone disturbs your moment like what happened some months back with him and Jimin :)

Before he knew it, his drink was finished. Sighing as he threw it in the trash, the school already seen in the distance. He felt like he didn't wanna go, but the guy he is, still did. He walked inside the school building, seeing Jimin resting his back on one of the lockers as he looked at his phone. 'Probably texting his boyfriend.' Taehyung thought.

He sighed as he didn't bother going to Jimin. He went to his locker, grabbing some stuff and leaving some behind. Jimin suddenly popped out of nowhere with a huge smile on his face.

"What?" Taehyung asked annoyingly.

"I can walk home with you later!" Jimin screamed, squealing as he jumped up and down in circles as he clapped. (y'all know what I mean?-)

"Ahhh.... So you're not sad that you can't be with your boyfriend today?"

"What do you mean? He's staying at my place tonight to keep me company." Jimin said with innocent eyes and Taehyung swore to himself that he totally wasn't jealous :)

"Now c'mon! Let's go to class!"

"We have different classes Chim." Taehyung said with a slight laugh.

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