{ Switching for the Day }

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The part you are currently reading includes switching between top and a bottom. If you don't like it, you can simply skip this part. Alright now that that's said, let's get it! 😘💜

• Summary •
"Jungkook just REALLYYY wanted to try something new, even only for today."

"Hyung, can we try something different today?" Jungkook asked his boyfriend who was laying down right beside him.

"What is it Koo?" Taehyung asked as he played with Jungkook's hair.

"Can we both top in one night?" Jungkook asked, looking over to seeingTae's flustered face.

"Kookie... What made you think of that?" Taehyung asked softly, feeling too shy to even look at the other's eyes.

"Nothing... I read a book about it and I thought I wanted to try it with you." Jungkook said, pretty much unbothered.

"Kookie..." Taehyung said in a soft voice.

"Yeah?" Jungkook replied, hoping Tae would say yes. (A marriage proposal? No... An invitation to try something new in sex? Ahm... Yes)

"No." Taehyung replied quickly and then shutting his mouth right after he said that.

"What?! Why not?!" Jungkook asked standing up, a slight pout on his face.

"It's embarrassing!!!" Taehyung said, hoping he had the right words as an excuse to this kind of thing he's getting into.

"Come on hyung! Just this once?! I promise it's only for today!!!" Jungkook begged the elder, really wanting to try this. It seemed really interesting rather than having only one in charge for the day.

"Kookiiiee, nooo!" Taehyung said. Rather call it as embarrassing for him to do something he isn't really experienced with.

"If you're saying no just because you aren't experienced with doing this then it's the same for me you know!" Jungkook said, really wanting to try it with Taehyung. But Taehyung just whined, pouting at Jungkook.

"Agh fine..." Jungkook said, Taehyung's eyes started to glow in hopes of Jungkook not adding anything else on that sentence. But when he saw Jungkook smirk at him, his smiley face turned into a frown making Jungkook laugh before continuing his sentence.

"I'll let you top first." Jungkook said, hoping Taehyung would agree because of that sentence. With receiving a groan from Tae, he smiled widely.

"Fine!" Taehyung said, too defeated to even try. Jungkook celebrated by himself, shouting a yes while putting both his arms up in the air as he jumped. What a baby.


Jungkook was moaning and squirming around on the bed, all naked as sweat covered his whole body, Taehyung sucking on his dick so good. (Lmao such a weird time skip-)

"H-hyung... Yours on m-my mouth t-t-too." Jungkook said with a whimper, Taehyung understanding what he meant, adjusting their position to 69 without leaving his mouth on Jungkook's hard member. Moaning and groaning once he felt Jungkook's hot cavern surrounding his own shaft. So fucking good.

Jungkook sucked on Tae's dick, an idea suddenly popping in his head as he smirked. He slowly brought his hand up, a finger tracing Taehyung's rim slowly making Tae release a loud moan, Jungkook groaning at the vibration it caused on his dick. Slowly, the finger tracing Tae's rim got inserted inside his hole causing him to start releasing high pitched moans.

Taehyung's legs started shaking uncontrollably making Jungkook smirk, pushing the finger in and out in a fast motion as he sucked on Tae's dick. The older moaning louder as he sucked on Jungkook's member, too immersed by the pleasure he felt that he couldn't suck properly making Jungkook thrust inside his mouth, gagging at the action. Releasing another moan as he felt another finger being added in his hole.

Taehyung was close, so so close. And he felt Jungkook was too. Without a warning, both of them came with a loud moan. Panting and breathing hard once they pulled out, Taehyung facing Jungkook to rest on his chest for a while.

"Ass... Hole." Taehyung said while breathing heavily.

"Sorry babe, I couldn't hold it." Jungkook laughed breathlessly. "Now... Enough resting, fuck me." Jungkook suddenly said making Taehyung shocked but he didn't complain, he was still hard anyways.

Positioning himself on Jungkook's entrance, he waiting for Jungkook to tell him to enter, and when he got a nod of approval, he slowly pushed in with a groan, Jungkook moaning loudly as a response.

"Fuck, so tight baby." Taehyung said, cursing to himself at how good it felt.

"Agh babe, you're so... Ahhh!" Jungkook moaned out when he felt Taehyung start to thrust. Oh geez it felt good.

"Harder baby, go harder." Jungkook said, taking a hold of his own member as he started to pump it fast, feeling Tae thrust into him harder and faster, just like he said.

"K-Kookie... S-still so tight." Taehyung groaned, going deeper causing Jungkook to scream out of pleasure, reaching out to play with Taehyung's nipples causing him to whimper and moan.

"Fuck Jungkook, I'm close." Taehyung said, thrusting even faster if it was possible. Jungkook moaned louder, cumming even before Tae did, but he soon followed with a final, harsh thrust.

"Mmm, so full... Now ride me." Jungkook smirked, looking at Tae's cute wide eyes. Too shocked to even process what Jungkook just said. But as if someone just controlled him, he pulled out of the tight hole and immediately sunk down on Jungkook's still hard dick. He squirmed and whimpered, the stretch Jungkook did to him earlier did no help at all. Well, it's really not their fault both of them were quite big. (👀💀)

"G-geez Kookie..." Taehyung said, starting to bounce up and down, feeling Jungkook thrust up against him too.

"I-I feel like... I c-c-cant last long." Taehyung said, already feeling the urge to cum.

"Hmm? Then don't." Jungkook said whith a smirk, groaning at the feeling of Taehyung's warm, tight hole. He thrusted up harshly causing pre-cum to come out of Tae's dick making him whine and whimper.

Jungkook suddenly flipped them over and he started to thrust harshly into Tae, not giving the poor boy a break. Taehyung moaned loudly, legs shaking and eyes releasing tears. How can Jungkook be so fucking good at this?

Without a warning, Tae came and Jungkook smirked, pumping Taehyung's dick making the older squirm at the overstimulation. Fuck, he always loved that. (Yep, totally not added my own kink into this-)

"K-Koo! K-Koo!" Taehyung screamed, too much, but so good.

"Hold on baby, I'm almost there." Jungkook said, giving last final thrusts before cumming for the third time, Taehyung for the fourth.

Jungkook pulled out as he plopped down next to Tae, wrapping his arms around the other's waist.

"Yep... We're gonna do this again." Jungkook said making Taehyung whine as he laughed, both drifting to sleep. Gonna clean up in the morning I guess.

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Well I hope you enjoyed :)

See you all next time!!! I Purple You!!! 😘💜

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