{ A 'Wet' Day: 1 }

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Top: Jungkook | older
Bottom: Taehyung | younger
Theme: Smut

• Summary •
"Everything was heated while the rain pours."

Taehyung was home alone sitting on the bed listening to music as he read a book about boy lovers. He waited for his boyfriend that had work late in the afternoon but still wasn't home even though it was already [ 7:30 PM ] because of the heavy rain.

He hummed a song as it almost ended, the book he was reading getting too sexual for the atmosphere but he continued reading anyways.

"Jinsoo was pinned to the wall, his breath quickening upon feeling a hand going up and down his waist, another hand traveling inside his hoodie. Heavy breaths and soft whimpers escaping his lips as he felt the fingers flick through his nipples."

Taehyung's chest rose up and down as he read.

"Seungjae pulled the submissive into a heated kiss as they enter their room. Falling down on the soft mattress as the submissive whined, feeling a hand going inside his boxers. He moaned silently, the cute sounds that escaped his lips made the dominant want to devour him."

Taehyung whimpered, he wasn't supposed to be turned on by this but he felt as though he needed to be touched. He wanted someone to pleasure him and his boyfriend was the only one that came in his mind. He grabbed his phone, calling his partner, knowing the other won't reply so quickly if he had texted him.

After a few rings, the call got answered.

"Baby? What's wrong? What happened?" Jungkook said through the phone, panic visible in his tone as he worried for his lover.

Taehyung has never called first whenever Jungkook has something important scheduled or when the younger knows Jungkook is on the road, saying he didn't wanna be a bother.

"K-Kookie...." Taehyung said, a needy tone perceived in his voice and it hit Jungkook... His baby was needy.

"Baby? What's wrong?" Jungkook asked again, wanting the answer to come from Taehyung.

"H-home... C-come home quickly..."

"It's traffic here baby. Why do you want me to come home so quickly?"

"H-help me! T-touch me when you g-get home..." Taehyung said with a slight whimper, his hard on growing by the second. He kept whimpering and whining, shuffling of the bedsheets emitting from the phone giving a signal that Taehyung couldn't stay put on the bed making Jungkook chuckle.

"Alright baby, I'll be there as soon as I can." Jungkook said, voice dropping an octave as it rasped making Taehyung gasp. Jungkook's voice alone made the younger feel so helpless, it reminded him who's boss, who's in charge between the two of them. (🙂)

"M-mhmm... Hur-ry..." Taehyung said. A slight 'Mmm' heard through the phone before it ended.

Taehyung whimpered, throwing his head back with a whine. He felt hot, his member leaking and wanting to be touched. He never planned this, originally wanting to cuddle with Jungkook when he arrives home, but I guess that won't happen today.

"Hur-ry... Hurry.." Taehyung said breathlessly, pulling the edge of his hoodie downwards as he closed his legs to feel some kind of friction, releasing soft whimpers as he continued to sweat.

"N-no touching Tae.... K-Kookie will... Punish" Taehyung reminded himself with broken words, too busy keeping himself together that he didn't even hear the front door flying open and closed. (don't ask, Jungkook is flash-)

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