{ The New Professor: 5 }

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Top: Jungkook | older
Bottom: Taehyung | younger
Theme: normal / angst(?)
Requested by: I'm sorry I forgot your username by now, please forgive me🙇‍♀️

• Previously • 
"He's at home Jeon, he isn't feeling well but he isn't dying yet. As Taehyung's best friend, I will respect his decision to not let anyone else besides me and my boyfriend see him." "I suggest for you to just go home to your.... Your wife."

'What if it's because I said that I have a wife?'

Jungkook's head was plopped down on his desk, not being able to do any work for the past 25 minutes he was there, too bothered to even do his work properly. He sighed, too distracted by his thoughts to hear his wife call him. 

"Kook? Jungkook?" She called a little more loudly, entering the room with silent steps as she approached her husband who's head was now rising from the desk, eyes looking at her.

"I was calling you, but you seemed to be too bothered to hear." She stated, crouching down enough for her to be eye leveled with Jungkook. "What's wrong?" She asked softly, hands reaching out to caress Jungkook's cheek.

Jungkook just closed his eyes, leaning in to her touch as he sought for some comfort. 'It's been almost 3 years since it happened, and she's been nothing but nice to me.' Jungkook felt bad, the marriage... It wasn't supposed to happen.

• FlashBack •

"You're what?" Jungkook's dad said, a scowl on his face as he looked at his son.

"Gay... I'm uninterested in women. I like m-" A loud slap was heard, making Jungkook's eyes open wide. He had been slapped by his father.

"Honey no-"

"Shut up!" He pushed his wife to the floor, who was trying to stop him from hurting their son. "You." He pointed at Jungkook.

"You have to make sure that phase ends soon. You're already 21, make some sense." Mr. Jeon said, taking his leave.

• End of FlashBack •

'If I didn't come out to my father. Then it wouldn't have happened.' Jungkook thought to himself.

• FlashBack •

"Jungkook, let's talk!" Mr. Jeon called, and Jungkook complied. Going downstairs to face his parents.

"I found a woman suited for you." His father started, and Jungkook didn't like where this was going.

"You will be married to her." Mr. Jeon continued, and Jungkook's eyes widened.

"What?! But father, I told you that I am uninterested in women, that I like me-" Jungkook's father sighed.

"I told you to make sure that phase ends soon. Get a grip."


"End of discussion." Jungkook took time to process the information for a few seconds before sighing, going back to his room as he tried to accept the fact that he was getting married to a female, at an early age even.

• End of FlashBack •

'But what if it didn't happen? Would I still become a teacher at that school? Would I still be able to meet him?'

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